Education at Department of Chemistry - BMC

Hand som ritar molekylstrukturer.

We provide some of Swedens best educations in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and organic chemistry. The department offers courses at both undergraduate and graduate level, and also conducts doctoral education in these subjects.

The Department of Chemistry - BMC is responsible for Uppsala University's bachelor's and master's programmes in chemistry together with the Department of Chemistry – Ångström. We also run the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering programme in collaboration with departments within the Faculty of Pharmacy. In addition, we offer courses in other degree programmes, such as the Bachelor's programme in Biology and the Master of Science in Molecular Biotechnology programme.

We offer postgraduate education in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and organic chemistry, as well as chemistry with open specialisation. Through established collaborations with industry, we have the opportunity to receive industrial doctoral students whose education is partly conducted at a company. Our research groups regularly receive degree project students at both bachelor's and master's level, as well as exchange students who want to do project work in a research environment.

