Research at Department of Organismal Biology

The department has four research programs.

Carlos Guerrero Bosagna


Random mutations and natural selection are cornerstones in evolution. Are there other forces at work? Could the enviroment itself affect the genome? How can we find out? These are questions that interest Carlos Guerrero Bosagna.

Read more about Carlos in the researcher profile

Ancient DNA facility - SciLifeLab

The SciLifeLab Ancient DNA Facility (ADF) provides analysis a service for a wide range of purposes. We provide processing of samples in our state-of-the-art cleanroom laboratory, and computational analysis optimized for ancient DNA sequence data. We can provide customized analysis based on user requirements and assist in project development.

SciLifeLab is a Swedish national initiative to support scientific research. ADF operates on at-cost basis, and in addition provide subsidized analysis for Swedish and international academic users.

SciLifeLab is a national resource of unique technologies and expertise available to life scientists, closely intertwined with our community of researchers in areas such as biomedicine, ecology and evolution.

Are you aiming for a PhD?

As a graduate student, you get training in a scientific approach to the world around you, and you will learn and practice how to think critically and analytically. Moreover, you will independently and together with colleagues solve scientific problems and also you receive training in research ethics as well as pedagogy. If you are interested to start graduate studies, contact the research program that you are interested in. You can also contact the director of postgraduate studies, if you want to know more about how to become a PhD student, and about which topics and research tasks that may exist.

Read more about our PhD studies

Popular Science

We have put together a couple of short presentations in a popular science format that will give the non-scientist some insight into organismal biology. Our intention is to inspire interest into the biology subject and to provide a brief introduction to our research.

Wallenbergsstiftelserna har gjort filmer med forskning från vår institution!

A movie about the human evolution and the origin of scandinavians (Swedish)

A movie about evolution and the origin of life (Swedish)

