The IEG Seminars: ‘Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution’

The Seminar series ‘Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution’ is one of the department’s platforms for postgraduate education and scientific interaction among research programs. With internationally renowned speakers presenting their latest work it also builds important bridges to the worldwide eco-evolutionary science community.

Spring 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 10.00-11.00 Friessalen
Speaker: Rebecca North
Title: "Hot and cold implications of climate change on water quality"
Host: Dolly Kothawala

Thursday, February 15, 14.00-15.00 Friessalen
Speaker: Giorgio Bertorelle (Univ. of Ferrara)
Title: "Fifty bears isolated in central Italy: a genomic approach to understand and possibly save them"
Host: Linnea Smeds

Tuesday, February 27, 14.00-15.00 Lärosal 4/5
Speaker: Thomas Flatt (Univ. of Fribourg)
Title: “An Ancestral Balanced Polymorphism Conferring Global Adaptation”
Host: Göran Arnqvist

Tuesday, March 12, 14.00-15.00 Lindahlsalen
Speaker: Meike Wittmann (Bielefeld University)
Title: "Fluctuating selection and its genetic footprints"
Host: Martyna Zwoinska

Tuesday, April 9, 14.00-15.00 Lindahlsalen
Speaker: Karina Clemmensen (Forest myclogy and plant patholgy, SLU)
Title: "What we have learned about how fungi drive the belowground carbon sink of the boreal forest”
Host: Anna Rosling

Tuesday, April 23, 14.00-15.00 Lindahlsalen CANCELLED
Speaker: Martin Garlovsky (Technische Universität Dresden)
Host: Murielle Ålund

Tuesday, May 7, 14.00-15.00 Ekmansalen
Speaker: Erica Leder (University of Gothenburg)
Title: TBA
Host: Anna Qvarnström

Tuesday, May 21, 14.00-15.00 Zoom
Speaker: Armando Caballero Rúa (Universidad de Vigo, Spain)
Title: TBA
Host: Pilar Herrera Egoavil/Martin Lascoux


