UCFS activities

UCFS regularly organizes conferences, workshops, PhD courses and member meetings.

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Previous activities

More than 30 researchers from different European countries met at Krusenberg Herrgård for the UCFS workshop that took place on September 13-14, 2023.

The workshop offered the opportunity to listen to 12 presentations covering various topics in the field of taxation, such as VAT collection, tax audits, tax loss refunds and many other topics of public policy relevance.

Between presentations there was plenty of time to socialize, discuss research and learn more from the participating UCFS researchers.


Människor lyssnar på föredrag
Människor som sitter tillsammans i solen och pratar

Some forty researchers made their way to the beautiful Krusenberg Herrgård, for the UCFS workshop that took place on March 8-9, 2022.

The workshop offered the opportunity to listen to 12 presentations with themes ranging from "Territorial stigmatization and school choice" to "Electoral institutions, women's representation and political outcomes".

Between presentations, there was plenty of time to socialize, discuss research and learn about other works by UCFS researchers.

Krusebergs herrgård i snö
Lyssnar på presentation

Between 31 May - 3 June 2022, UCFS together with the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research (FIT) organized a PhD course on tax policy in Helsinki. Led by the University of Tampere, with support from the VATT and the University of Helsinki, the event featured lectures and presentations by PhD students. Funded by the Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics, FIT/Academy of Finland and UCFS, the course provided a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration between participants from different institutions.

During the 2022 fall meeting, you could listen to eight different presentations from experienced researchers and professors as well as PhD students. Topics included Covid-19 vaccination and the link to cognitive ability, social benefits, mortgage debt and the consequences of legal uncertainty.

Students and faculty members with an interest in political economy gathered for a one-day workshop at the department on 19 November 2019.

Participants came from Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Stockholm School of Economics and the Institute for International Economic Research (IIES) and were both junior and more experienced researchers.

The program was of high quality with 12 presentations covering topics on development, gender differences in politics, government stability, legal decisions and more.

"I am very pleased with the participation and engagement and look forward to a new edition in the spring", said Luca Repetto, who organized the workshop.

The workshop was funded by the Uppsala Centre for Fiscal Studies (UCFS).

Contact: Mikael Elinder

Administrative matters: Ulrika Öjdeby

Någon presenterar framför publik

Luca Repetto

