School, Sport, Screen: Value-Laden Learning Practices

School, Sport, Screen is a newly established Doctroral School aimed at increasing knowledge about the relationship between education, physical activity and digital media. The Doctoral School is a collaboration between three institutions, bringing together three disciplines—sociology of education at Uppsala University, sports science at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences and media and communication studies at Södertörn University. The activities involve nine doctoral students enrolled in the doctoral programs in the three disciplines at the participating institutions.

You can read the project description for the PhD School here Pdf, 221 kB. (Swedish)

The themes of the Doctoral School

The Doctoral School focuses on three strategic and value-laden areas of learning: school, sport and screen. We take a comprehensive approach to these areas, examining how they are interconnected, the extent to which they reinforce or weaken each other, and how they operate in various social and geographical contexts.

Our starting point is that the boundary between school and society has become increasingly porous. Through digital tools, the world is constantly accessible within the school. Parents are given greater insight into their children's education through school platforms where they can monitor their academic progress. The increased profiling of schools towards sports, culture, and media also blurs the line between extracurricular activities and school. This necessitates a holistic perspective, and the PhD school investigates differences in children's and young people's learning through integrated studies of school, leisure, and family in various online and offline contexts and in their specific educational, social, and geographical settings.

Doctoral students, courses and activities

