Social sustainable mobility in Gottsunda and Bäcklösa

To achieve sustainability goals, mobility needs to be remodelled. One possible solution is mobility as a service; that citizens have access to mobility services without needing to own a vehicle. At the same time, the transition needs to be fair and equal, however, there is a lack of research on mobility as a service in socio-economically weak areas.

The purpose of the project is to examine the needs of residents to in a better way
configure and adapt mobility solutions to areas with rental apartments that have a low socioeconomic status and an over-representation of people with a foreign background, with a special focus on women.

This is done by involving residents in areas with low socioeconomic status in the
planning of mobility services through a combination of semi-structured interviews,
follow-up interviews and focus groups. The next step is to work with Uppsala
Municipality and UppsalaHem to develop concrete proposals for mobility services for the area. Finally, guidelines are drawn up for how municipalities and housing companies can work to introduce mobility services in areas with low socioeconomic status.

The project is important because several municipalities are starting to introduce mobility services in both new and existing housing. Since most previous research studies do not consider socio-economic differences between different groups, there is a great risk that mobility services will not be adapted to be suitable for and attractive to these groups.

Project start





Fredrik Johansson, postdoc, KTH (Project Leader)
Judith Kupersmidt, KTH
Thomas Höjemo, researcher, IBF

Collaboration partners

Maeva Hachem, UppsalaHem
Teresa Uggla, Uppsala Municipality

