Collaboration at Department of Informatics and Media

For us, it is evident that the Department is a meeting place for knowledge, culture and critical dialogue. It is through encounters with others, with people with different skills, experience and background, that new knowledge and innovations arise. Therefore, a large number of collaborative projects are currently underway at the Department. Collaboration can refer to the utilisation of research, technology transfer and dissemination of knowledge at the expert level. However, we are mainly a central actor in our society with respect to education and social debate.

Health and health care in a digital society

Within the Department, there are several major ongoing projects directed to the surrounding community. Several researchers and graduate students in the Department are active in the U-Care programme, which is an interdisciplinary research programme at Uppsala University on psychosocial care in a digital society.

Yet another group of researchers at the Department collaborates with the University Hospital in Uppsala to study the introduction of a so-called extensive Patient Data Management System within intensive care and operational activities at the hospital.

In efforts to strengthen research in information systems at Campus Gotland, the Department conducts an active collaboration with the local business community in Visby.

Challenge-driven innovation and play research

Forskargruppen människa-datorinteraktion deltar i ett samverkansprojektet Digitala och fysiska lekmiljöer som bedrivs inom Vinnovas program utmaningsdriven innovation. I projektet deltar bland annat Huddinge kommun samt NCC. Gruppen har också etablerat ett informellt men tätt arbete med flera företag i lek- och lär-sektorn, som Tom Tits Experiment, museikonsortiet Jamtli, och apputvecklare som Toca Boca och Peppy Pals. Avsikten med dessa samarbeten är att skapa en svensk plattform för lekforskning.

