Ancient Greek, Byzantine Studies, and Assyriology

Research in Greek, Byzantine Studies, and Assyriology focuses on the ancient languages, texts, and cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Collegium of Ancient Greek, Byzantine Studies, and Assyriology unites research and teaching on the languages, texts, and cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean for thousands of years. We offer courses from undergraduate to postgraduate level; our research focuses in particular on

  • Comparative and diachronic narratology and translation studies: analyzing and interpreting the structures and meanings of narratives across time and cultures.
  • Historical research on emotions and philosophical psychology: the history of emotions (changes in concepts and norms involving emotional display and behaviour across time and place) and research on ancient philosophical theories about the nature and moral psychology of emotions.
  • Digital methods for the study of pre-modern cultures. The focus is primarily on digital philology, but also on the interdisciplinary integration of textual scholarship with research in archaeology, cultural geography, genetics, and other fields using digital methods.

Group members

Andersson, Jakob, senior lecturer
Cullhed, Eric, professor
Diop, Yves, PhD student
Hallenberg, Emelie, PhD student
Hölzlhammer, Lilli, PhD student
Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik, professor emeritus

Nilsson, Ingela, professor
Nilsson, Terése, PhD student
Pedersén, Olof, professor emeritus
Rosenqvist, Jan Olof, professor emeritus
Vukasinovic, Milan, researcher
Westberg, David, senior Lecturer



