Third stream activities in education

Third stream activities in education are at least as valuable as in research. Good partnerships in third stream activities in education mean great benefits to everyone involved. When knowledge is applied and becomes meaningful to the student, this leads to greater understanding, motivation and better study performance, while also facilitating their transition to working life. Third stream activities also benefit us, the teaching staff, through new contacts with the community and higher quality in our courses and study programmes.

And for those in the business community or wider community, third stream activities lead to contacts with future potential employees, and new insights into your business/operation, with the potential for generating innovative ideas. In the longer term, you can be part of influencing the direction and content of courses in order to ensure a flow of students with skills that match your current and future needs.

We welcome all third stream activity initiatives!
Below are the forms of third stream activity we offer and how to find out more.


Opportunities for education partnerships

Degree projects

Do you have a task/problem that could be solved independently by one or two students in 10 to 20 weeks? This is the perfect kind of task or problem for a degree project. All students do a degree project during the last semester of their study programme. For our Master’s degree programmes, the degree project is worth 30 credits (= 20 weeks) and for Bachelor of Science in Engineering students, the degree project is worth 15 credits (10 weeks). The degree project consists of a task that must be carried out independently by applying the knowledge and skills the student has acquired during their study programme. The work can be carried out at a company, organisation or government agency, but is then reported on at the University. A contract for the degree project is drawn up, which can include confidentiality. Note that a degree project proposal must be approved by the University before it can start. Developing and limiting the question to be answered is part of the student’s work on the project. The student is entitled to student finance while working on their degree project. Most of our students do their thesis work in the spring term.

In the autumn we will organise an exjobs matchmaking event

You can also contact our Programme Officers or Study advisors (see Contact) for questions or offers of thesis projects.

Offer other working life connections in our study programmes

Guest lectures
Come and tell us what it is like working at your workplaceor or generally in any particular area. There is almost certainly something interesting that you can teach our students.

We organise an annual math career day day for our students and also lunchtime talks.

Study visits
Would you be able to receive a group of students for a visit to your workplace? Here is how to invite them. Invite them to your premises for a study visit.

Employ our students

Our students know a great deal. Hiring university students during their studies gives you the opportunity to get smaller tasks done while allowing the company to connect with students who may become valuable new employees in the future.

The most effective way to reach our students with a job offer is via our programme managers or study advisors (see under the heading Contact) who can then advertise it to our students. If you want to reach other programme students or select those who are actively looking for jobs, you can advertise via the university's job database - UU CareerGate. There is also an annual labour market fair, UTNARM, arranged by science and technology students


Programme coordinators

If you have ideas about the structure and content of a programme, or if you have collaborative, job or project offers for our students, our programme coordinators are the right people to contact.

Study advisors

Our study advisors are alternative contact persons to reach out with offers to our students.


If you want to get in direct contact with our programme students, you can go via the Mathematics student section.

Director of Studies and Collaboration Coordinator

If you are unsure of who to contact, or more generally want to discuss collaboration opportunities, you are welcome to contact the department's director of studies Inger Sigstam, or the department's collaboration coordinator Jordi-Lluís Figueras.

