Course administration

You can always contact our course administrators for matters regarding our department's courses in programmes for pharmacists, prescriptionists and civil engineers, in biomedicine or our freestanding courses.

Bobo Skillinghaug undervisar

Uppsala University's website contains detailed information for you who are already a student at our department or want to apply for one of the many programmes at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Our ordinary opening hours for students are Mondays 13:30-14:30 and Wednesdays 10:00-11:30.

During July the course administration will be closed. From the 5th of August it is possible to book an appointment via e-mail if needed. From August 19th we are open for students again and back to the ordinary opening hours.

You are also welcome to e-mail us at and we will reply as soon as possible.

Sandra Bratt
Course administrator, + 46 (0)18-471 4236

Regina Rensei
Course administrator, +46 (0)18-471 4236

Postal adress
Institutionen för läkemedelskemi
Box 574 • 751 23 Uppsala (SE)

Visiting adress
BMC, A5:3 • Husargatan 3 • Uppsala

Directors of studies

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry has three directors of studies that you are welcome to contact with questions concerning specific areas of education:

Magnus Bergström, Senior lecturer
Subject: Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry

Jakob Haglöf, Lecturer
Subject: Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, +46 (0)18-471 4341

Ulrika Rosenström, Lecturer
Subject: Organic pharmaceutical chemistry, +46 (0)18-471 4297

Assistant Head of Department

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry has an Assistant Head of Department in charge of first and second cycle education that you are welcome to contact with questions concerning our first and second cycle education:

Assistant Head of Department

Christian Sköld
Senior Lecturer, +46 (0)18-471 4285

Documents and forms

Your studies are surrounded by a number of rules and guidelines. The majority are common to the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy or Uppsala University. You can find information and regulatory documents if you are a program student on Studiums program pages and if you have been accepted to a freestandnig course at


If you have a permanent disability that becomes an obstacle in your studies, you can receive support during your study time at the university.

Learn more about Support for disabilities at Uppsala University or contact course administrator Sandra Bratt for information about support offered in a study situation at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry.

Student rights

For those who are a student at a university or college, there are laws regulating, among other things, your working conditions. Uppsala University also has local rules and guidelines that are good to be familiar with. Here you can learn more about Your rights as student at Uppsala University.

Read Policies and regulations at Uppsala University

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry has a working group for Equal opportunities that works actively to ensure that all students and employees have the same good conditions to perform their best. Feel free to contact them with your equal conditions-related questions.

Studenter vid BMC

Safety representatives

As a student you will perform work, including laboratory assignments, at our department's different units. If necessary, please contact our safety representatives:

Johan Gråsjö
Senior research engineer, +46 (0)18-471 4152

Luke Odell
Professor, +46 (0)18-471 4297

Veronika Wingstedt
Research engineer, +46 (0)18-471 5301

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry also has a special safety representative for students

