Team members are listed in alphabetical order by surname.

Shawn Davies

Senior Analyst

Shawn Davies is a Senior Analyst at UCDP. His work focuses on the interstate conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and organized violence in Yemen and Mozambique. He has also published articles on conflict data in the Journal of Peace Research.

Shawn Davis

Amber Deniz


Amber Deniz is an Analyst at UCDP. She works on data collection and analysis of armed conflicts in Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Myanmar. Amber is also in charge of the data collection on the Bosnian War.

Amber Deniz

Garoun Engström

Senior Analyst

Garoun Engström is a Senior Analyst at UCDP. She leads the UCDP’s Latin America project. Her main focus is data collection and analysis of organized violence in Mexico and Brazil, particularly non-state armed groups such as drug cartels and gangs.

Garoun Engström

Tania Estrada


Tania Estrada is an Analyst at UCDP. As part of UCDP’s Latin America project, she collects and analyzes data on organized violence in the region, with a focus on Central America, Venezuela and the Caribbean. She also collects data on organized violence in West and Central African countries.

Tania Estrada

Helena Grusell

Senior Analyst

Helena Grusell is a Senior Analyst at UCDP. Her focus is organized violence in South America, particularly Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. Alongside her involvement in the UCDP's Latin America project, she collects data on Turkey.

Helena Grusell

Nanar Hawach

Senior Analyst

Nanar Hawach is a Senior Analyst at UCDP. His expertise includes organized violence and non-state actors in the Middle East and North Africa. Within the UCDP, he has contributed to multiple projects as well as written publications on the MENA region.

Nanar Hawach

Stina Högbladh

Research Coordinator & Project Leader

Stina Högbladh is a Research Coordinator and Project Leader at UCDP. She is responsible for the UCDP databases and for the data on peace agreements. She is an area specialist for DR Congo. Stina has published articles in the Journal of Peace Research, Research & Politics and Politics, Pathways to Peace and Security.

Stina Högbladh

Amanda Löfström

Junior Analyst

Amanda Löfström is a Junior Analyst at UCDP. With a regional focus on West Africa, her work is centered on data collection and analysis of organized violence in Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon.

Amanda Löfström

Therese Pettersson

Research Coordinator and Project Leader

Therese Pettersson is a Research Coordinator and Project Leader at UCDP. She is responsible for the UCDP’s outreach activities, presentations, social media, and data presentations. She is an area specialist for Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Syria. Therese has published articles in International Interactions and Journal of Peace Research.

Therese Pettersson

Margareta Sollenberg



Margareta Sollenberg

Lotta Themner

Research Coordinator & Project Leader

Ratio 3-2 platshållare

Mert Can Yilmaz


Mert Can Yilmaz is an Analyst at UCDP. His work centers on data collection and analysis of organized violence in Central African Republic, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Additionally, he is responsible for data management, analysis and visualization at the UCDP.

Mert Can Yilmaz

Magnus Öberg

Director of UCDP, Associate Professor

Magnus Öberg is the Director of UCDP. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. Magnus has published articles in various academic journals, including the European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Peace Research, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Magnus Öberg


  • For questions regarding UCDP and our data please contact us by e-mail:
  • ucdp@pcr.uu.se

