The Advisory Panel


Charleeen Fichtner

Charleeen Fichtner: I am working as the supervisor of Gränby Allaktivitetshuset, with a major focus on cooperation between civil society and the municipal sector as well as local area-based work where the community plays a major role. The mission of Gränby Allaktivitetshuset is to create a meaningful leisure time for all ages. The value base in this work rests upon the keynotes security, participation and accessibility.

Louise Hjortenfalk

Louise Hjortenfalk: I am a development manager in social sustainability in the sustainability department at Uppsala municipality and the main focus of my work is to support the municipality in its public health work. My main responsibility is to facilitate collaborations and coordinate our efforts to strengthen the municipality's work in promoting mental health and suicide prevention.

Helena Karlén Nilsson

Helena Karlén Nilsson: I work as a research and development coordinator at the FoUU unit, "Nära vård och hälsa", Uppsala region. My main tasks are currently calls for funding and handling of the FoU grants for nära vården (point of care), coordination of the management research council and financial statements as well as dissemenation of results and knowledge about the projects and studies within the management.

Jonas Nord

John Nealis: Director for Föreningshuset Kontakten in Gottsunda, which is a facility to promote integration for migrants. Our services include work market, democracy, public health and support to civic associations. Our target groups are migrants and individuals in SEDN (Social economic disadvantaged neighbourhoods). Our goals are to augement social capital and faith in institutions via social cohesion activities, and activites supporting inclusion and democracy.

My academic background is in Economics and Political Science.

Jonas Nord

Jonas Nord: I work as community care strategist at Uppsala municipality/Uppsala Region and focus on cooperation issues between the principals. Earlier, I have worked as a strategist in, among other things, preventive activities in elderly care within Uppsala municipality. I am a political scientist with a doctoral degree in health and society at Linköping University.

Helena Wallin Eriksson: I work as an operation developer with focus on public health in ACP development, Nära vård och hälsa, Uppsala region. My main responsibility is currently regional coordination for geographical health assignment and method support in business development for Nära vård och hälsa.

Malin Larhammar: Text will come.

Samia Mohamed: Text will come.

Yaser Jaber: Text will come.

