Systems and cyber security

The functioning of society depends on reliable systems and infrastructures that ensure we have access to essential services and resources, such as food, water, energy, materials and information. While the ongoing digitisation of society boosts the efficiency of these systems, the complexity of our increasingly digitised society heightens our vulnerability to new cyber threats.

The challenges in cybersecurity extend across many areas and demand an interdisciplinary strategy that combines technical expertise with elements of human factors, ethics, legislation, policy and risk management. With its expertise and broad knowledge base, Uppsala University is in a unique position to establish a comprehensive and truly interdisciplinary centre for systems and cyber security.

We are becoming better and better at connecting increasingly complex systems. How do we become equally adept at protecting them?

Uppsala University conducts successful, high-quality research in many different areas of systems and cyber security. Our research ranges from fundamental theoretical principles to practical systems design and applications. Research groups with advanced expertise in disciplines such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning, control systems, medical engineering and energy systems contribute to this research.

The area of strength brings together researchers and students across disciplinary domains:


The University is involved in more than twelve ongoing research projects in cyber security, including major initiatives under the auspices of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) in specific areas of cyber security, Swedish Research Council projects, and industrial collaborations through Vinnova projects, SFO/eSSENCE and projects supported by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, as well as personal grants such as SSF Future Research Leader.

The overall goal of the research is to build on current research in systems and cyber security through further integration of socio-technical aspects.

Christian Rohner

Christian Rohner

Coordinator Systems and cyber security

Systems security

Resilient and reliable systems that are able to adapt to
disruptive events.

En graf som visar ett systems reaktion på en störning


Protection of systems and services against unauthorised
access and disruption.

Image of lock

