
Publication and distribution of books in printed and digital format through Uppsala University Publications is mainly done in one of the series that together constitute Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (AUU), but also through a large number of independent book series.

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

The goal of AUU's activities is to disseminate scientific works from Uppsala University, partly through the sale of printed books and partly digitally via DiVA with open access. The activities are led by an editorial committee appointed by the University's Vice-Chancellor and with representatives from all the University's faculties. Each series also has one or more series editors. The activities are coordinated together with other publishing activities (Uppsala University Publications) by the University Library.

A list of series within AUU can be found below.

At its meeting on 25 April 2023, the AUU editorial committee decided on

revised rules of procedure for the activity (Swedish only, pdf) Pdf, 302 kB..

Ordering books

Order our books directly by contacting

You can also order books via the purchase link in DiVA, or via online bookshops.

Kriterium – quality review and publication of scientific books

Kriterium is a collaboration between Swedish higher education institutions, book publishers, research funders and the National Library of Sweden with the aim of strengthening the status of scientific books in Sweden and internationally.

Kriterium offers a platform for reviewing, publishing and disseminating high-quality scientific books. The books are published both digitally with open access on Kriterium's book platform, and in printed format in collaboration with other publishers. It is also possible to combine review and digital publication through Kriterium with a printed publication within Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Kriterium accepts manuscripts intended for book publication from all Swedish higher education institutions. Publication through Kriterium is financed by participating universities. No costs are incurred by individual authors. Please contact if you would like more information about Kriterium.

Series within Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis consists of about 60 active series.

Creation of a new series

Departments wishing to establish a new series in Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis should contact Approval of a new series requires that the department (or equivalent) in question accepts the regulations in the Rules of Procedure for Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (Swedish only, pdf) Pdf, 302 kB..The formal decision on the establishment of a new series is made by the board of the department (or equivalent) in question. The same body also appoints the series editor(s).

Communicating changes in a series

A change of series editor should be notified to the coordinator as soon as possible. If an institution wishes to terminate a series or resume publication of a previously terminated series, timely notification is recommended.


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