How do we achieve a gender-equal games culture?

Two girls playing a game.

The seminar will focus on how we can get more female founders to develop the games of the future. Photo: Getty Images

How can we ensure that games and game creators represent the players? Is that even important? How can we get more female founders to join the industry and create the gaming experiences of the future? This will be the theme of the seminar "Representation in games and in the places we make games" co-organised by Uppsala University at Almedalen

The discussion will be about representation in games and the places where games are created. It will address how research on the social and cultural impact of inclusion in interactive media can contribute to a gender-equal games culture. Another issue to be discussed is how inclusion initiatives in start-ups can influence which games become a reality. The seminar will also focus on gender equality and diversity in an industry where less than one in four employees is a woman, but almost half of all new recruits are. The seminar will be held partly in English.

“This is important because games is the biggest media art industry in the world. It’s even bigger than film these days, which means it has a huge reach in terms of arts, politics and culture. It's critical to have diverse voices throughout in order to represent the breadth of the world,” says Josephine Baird, Lecturer at the Department of Game Design and one of the participants in the seminar.

Åsa Malmberg and Daniel Olsson

About the seminar:

Name of the seminar: Representation in games and in the places we make games
Organiser: Spelalmedalen, Swedish Games Industry, Sverok, Uppsala University
Date and time: 25 June at 15:15–16:00
Venue: Strandgatan 1b, “Spelinstitutionen Campus Gotland"

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