Norse World corpus: attestations, works, and sources – 2018-11-06

At the moment, the Norse World corpus comprises 2,857 attestations collected from a number of works and sources.

The Norse World Corpus: Attestations

At the moment, the Norse World corpus comprises 2,857 attestations.

The Norse World Corpus: Works

The attestations have been excerpted from following works:

Old Swedish

  • Erikskrönikan (The Chronicle of Duke Erik), ongoing
  • Flores och Blanzeflor (Floris and Blancheflour)
  • Lucidarius (Lucidarius)
  • Olav den heliges saga (The Saga of Saint Olaf), ongoing
  • Prosaiska krönikan (Prosaic Chonicle)
  • Själens tröst (Consolation of the Soul)
  • Herr abboten (A Satire about Abbots)

Old Danish

  • Bondepraktika (Farmer's Almanac)
  • Den Kyske Dronning (The Chaste Queen)
  • Dværgekongen Laurin (The Dwarf-King Laurin)
  • Flores og Blanseflor (Floris and Blancheflour)
  • Griseldis (Griselda)
  • Hertug Frederik af Normandi (Duke Frederick of Normandy)
  • Hestelægebog (Treatise on Equine Medicine)
  • Ivan Løveridder (Yvain, the Knight of the Lion)
  • Kvinders Urtegård (Women’s Herb Garden)
  • Lægebog fra Top til Tå (Leech-Book from Top to Toe)
  • Lægebog i GKS 3487 8° (Leech-Book in GKS 3487 8°)
  • Lægeråd (Medical Advice)
  • Mariaklagen (The Lament of the Virgin Mary)
  • Persenober og Konstantianobis (Persenober and Konstantianobis)
  • Rimkrøniken (The Rhymed Chronicle)
  • Sjælens Trøst (Consolation of the Soul)
  • Stenbog (Lapidary)
  • Vejleder for Pilgrimme (Pilgrims’ Guide to the Holy Land)

The Norse World Corpus: Sources

The attestations have been excerpted from following sources:

Early prints

  • Fragment of Floris and Blancheflour, LN 66
  • Fragment of The Rhymed Chronicle, LN 233
  • Hær begyndes en historie aff Flores oc Blantzeflor SOm ieg i bogernæ skrevet sa Oc æwentyr the sijæ fraa, LN 67
  • Hær begynner then danskæ Kronnickæ well offuerseet oc ræth, LN 232


Copenhagen, Royal Library

  • GKS 3487 8°
  • NKS 314b 4°
  • Thott 245 8°

Copenhagen, The Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection

  • AM 191 fol.
  • AM 787 4°
  • AM 792 4°
  • AM 819 4°
  • AM 107 8°

Helsinki University Library

  • Ms Rar 2

Linköping Diocesan Library

  • H 131
  • Saml 1a

Lund, Lund University Library

  • Medeltidshandskrift 32

Stockholm, National Archives

  • Ericsbergarkivet. SE/RA/720266/05/~/75

Stockholm, National Library of Sweden

  • A 108
  • A 109
  • A 120
  • D 2
  • D 3
  • D 4
  • D 4a
  • D 5
  • D 26
  • K 4
  • K 41
  • K 47

Uppsala, Uppsala University Library

  • C 62
  • C 529
  • D 600

Runic inscriptions

  • G 126
  • Vs 14
  • Vg 81

Please be aware that the Norse Perception of the World project is still ongoing and that the Norse World resource is still being worked on and developed. New data such as new attestations, texts, and sources are being continuously entered into the database. For more information and updates on the amount of attestations in the database, texts or sources that have been added, or any current technical issues, please have a look in the News section. You can also follow us on Twitter.

