The accelerator plant

The accelerator facility's premises

Here we see an overview of the particle accelerator facility as it looked when all parts were in operation during the years 1977-2005.

  • Cyclotron hall: the particle accelerator hall with the cyclotron and the first part of the beam transport.
  • Marble hallen, Beam corridor: Beam transport halls
  • The Crypt, Blue Hall, Gamma cave, Biomedical spaces: Experimental halls
  • The control room: for control and monitoring of the facility
  • Celsius hall: contained an accelerator and storage ring, electron cooler and 2 experimental stations.
  • Supply premises (not highlighted in the picture): unit room with power units and vacuum controllers, the gallery with power units and vacuum controllers, HF room with supply and control of the high frequency system, water pump room, heat exchanger room, battery room with equipment for emergency lighting and emergency power for the facility's control system. etc

Overview of the accelerator plant´s premises. Source: TSL internally

Overview of the accelerator plant´s premises. Source: TSL internally

Accelerator facility parts to produce particle beam and deliver it to users

  • The cyclotron: particle accelerator with the parts magnet, vacuum tank, ion source, rf cavities, extraction system, diagnostic equipment
  • Beam transport: beam pipes, vacuum valves, bending magnets, control magnets, focusing magnets, diagnostic elements
  • Experimental stations: the main experiment stations were in the Blue Hall (neutron irradiation or proton irradiation), the Therapy space (proton irradiation), the C-line (heavy ions)

Overview of the accelerator plats parts for beam, Source: TSL internally

Overview of the accelerator plats parts for beam, Source: TSL internally

The Gustaf Werner cyclotron. Photo: Torkel Pettersson

The Gustaf Werner cyclotron. Photo: Torkel Pettersson

The beam transport. Photo: TSL internally

The beam transport. Photo: TSL internally

Experimental station. Photo: TSL internally

Experimental station. Photo: TSL internally


  • Elin Hellbeck
  • Elin Hellbeck, Head of Department, Project leader, Phone: +46-18 471 3850, +46-704 25 09 95

