Deliver samples

Pile of PacBio smart cells

After submitting your project to the NGI Order portal you will receive a confirmation and a project code from one of our project coordinators. Use these as reference when submitting your samples.

Samples cannot be submitted until your project has been accepted in the NGI Order portal and you have received, signed and returned your agreement.

We do not accept samples without printed delivery documents.

We will not process samples that are not labeled clearly and in consistency with the sample submission form.

Sample requirements

The starting material for sequencing needs to be of high quality (in terms of purity and integrity), as well as of sufficient amount. When samples are delivered, documentation on how the samples have been extracted and quality tested should be included. For concentration measurement, we strongly recommend using Qubit Fluorometric Quantitation.

Instructions on sample delivery for sequencing are available in our instructions for sample delivery document (pdf) Pdf, 159 kB.. Information about specific requirements for sequencing on PacBio is available in Technical Note Preparing DNA for PacBio HiFi Sequencing Extraction and Quality Control(pdf) Pdf, 4 MB..

Open MinION sequencer

High quality input material increases the chance of obtaining High Molecular Weight (HMW) DNA that meet the quality and quantity requirements for long read applications. The best option for obtaining quality HMW DNA is fresh samples. However, samples that have been flash frozen, stored at -80°C and shipped on dry-ice perform just as well in most cases. If possible, we highly recommend dissecting your sample prior to freezing to avoid freeze/thaw cycles which promote cell disruption and DNA fragmentation.

Before submitting samples for extraction, please read carefully shipping instructions for extraction material (pdf) Pdf, 71 kB., and input material guidelines and extraction methods (pdf) Pdf, 90 kB..

Beaded DNA spiral necklace

Please note

We can not work with samples that are potentially infectious or harmful to humans.

How to find us, and deliver samples

Samples can be delivered in person, by courier, or by mail.

For delivery in person

We accept sample delivery in person on tuesdays between 9:00 and 15:00. You will find us at Biomedical Centre (BMC), entrance C11, Uppsala. To hand over samples, call: 070 - 425 02 85

Directions at google maps

Sending packages to the BMC goods reception:

Uppsala Genome Center, Husargatan 3, Ref. box 815, 751 23 Uppsala

Opening hours at the goods reception is 9:00 to 15:00.

SciLifeLab entrance C11 of BMC, with daffodils in the foreground

Incoming material is carefully quality assessed by the UGC staff before proceeding to the library preparation step. We measure DNA/RNA concentration with Qubit and verify quality using technologies such as Bioanlyzer or DropSense. Genomic DNA is commonly sized evaluated using Femto Pulse.

The success of every sequencing project depends on the quality of the input material. We are always happy to schedule a meeting to help setting up the best method for sample preparation.


