Information on news and changes to the system

Uppdate August 2023

When updating Adato on 29 August 2023, the following changes will be introduced in the system:

Adato - Home page

Links have been added to the homepage about:

  • domestic violence
  • special high risk protection
  • assistive technology for work
  • subsidies for work aids

Guides - change of name

Guide: Rehab assessment, work capacity assessment

  • New name: Rehab assessment, questionnaire for sick leave.
  • If you hover over the heading, the text "Work adaptation and vocational rehabilitation" appears.
  • Purpose: To clarify that this guide is generally used in connection with sick leave.

Guide: Reversion plan

  • New name: Försäkringskassan's plan for return to work.
  • If you hover over the heading, you will see the text "Used when requested by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency".
  • Purpose: To clarify that this guide is used to facilitate requests from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to submit a plan. Otherwise, the guide above is used.

Changes to the guide "Rehab assessment, sick leave questionnaire"

Occupational health services

  • The question "Is occupational health care available?" with answer options Yes or No has been removed.
  • Purpose: Uppsala University always has agreements with occupational health services and therefore the question is unnecessary to ask.

Social conditions

  • Fields have been introduced with a recommendation to ask questions about "Domestic violence" and "Alcohol and drugs".
  • Under the question mark by the heading there is a link to the Employee Portal for more information on how to handle suspicion of an affected employee.
  • Purpose: A step in getting more involved in these areas and being able to prevent and provide support.

Other changes

Other information

The free text field Other information has been removed as the space was used in the field for Social conditions for the recommendation to ask about Domestic violence and Alcohol and drugs.

If there is a need to add something in the field Other, you can write in, for example, Word and attach as a document.

Menu option Certificate

The Certificates menu option changes its name to Notes and Certificates.

New link between Prehab and Rehab case

You can now click directly on a link in Prehab to access an ongoing rehab case.

