Information on the processing of personal data in Adato

Adato is the University's support system for monitoring sick leave and documenting rehabilitation and preventive measures. Adato is linked to Uppsala University's payroll system Primula, which means that Adato contains up-to-date information about employees and their sickness absence. The system handles data about people who are or have been employed at Uppsala University. The personal data processed are name, personal identity number, AKKA ID, organisational affiliation, position, type of employment, length of service, sick leave and salary. No personal data is transferred to third countries (countries that are not members of the EU or EEA).

The purpose of the treatment is: Comprehensive, secure and clear documentation ensures that every step of a rehabilitation is made clear, from fulfilling legal requirements for a rehabilitation plan at an early stage to systematically assessing, testing and evaluating different adaptation options.

The data controller, and service provider, is

Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala, Sweden

Contact person, for the service

Jurisdiction of the service provider: Sweden

Du har rätt att begära ett registerutdrag för att kunna kontrollera vilken information som finns registrerad om dig. Läs mer om dina rättigheter och hur universitetet hanterar personuppgifter. Personuppgifterna bevaras i Adato så länge uppgifterna anses vara nödvändiga.

You have the right to request an extract from the register to check what information is recorded about you. Read more about your rights and how the university handles personal data. Personal data is stored in Adato for as long as the data is considered necessary.

Adato complies with the EU Data Protection Regulation and the international standard GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct .

