Information Regarding the Weblogin2 ADFS Service

The Weblogin2 ADFS service is a service provided for system engineers at Uppsala university. The Weblogin2 ADFS service is used to test, develop and deploy functionality for a Uppsala University group collaboration service.

The group collaboration IT service is aimed at students and employees at Uppsala university and in users in SWAMID federation.

Handling of personal data

The personal data processed includes name, username and email address.

The purpose of processing the personal data is to grant access to the group collaboration system, receive email with information on group collaboration data and invite other users.

The personal data controller and service provider is:

Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala

Contact person for the service:

Jurisdiction of the service provider: Sweden

No transfer of personal data takes place to third parties.

Right to register extract, correction and deletion of personal data

The person who is registered has the right to know whether the person responsible for personal data, the university, processes personal data about him. If this is the case, the registered person has the right to access the personal data and further information about this. To find out as an individual whether Uppsala University processes individual personal data, and if so on what basis the university performs the processing, you can request an extract from the register by using the entry on the external page for personal data processing: or by sending an email to

The person who is registered has the right to have incorrect personal data corrected without undue delay. Taking into account the purpose of the processing, the data subjects also have the right to supplement incomplete personal data.

The person who is registered has the right to have his personal data deleted in certain situations without undue delay.

As the person responsible for personal data, the university has an obligation to inform those to whom the personal data has been disclosed (if so) that the data subject has requested deletion of his data.

There are exceptions to the right to deletion and the obligation for the personal data controller to inform others. This applies if it is necessary to fulfill other important rights, such as the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfill a legal obligation, to perform a task of general interest or as part of the exercise of official authority.

Purification of personal data

The university saves your personal data only for as long as the purpose of the processing requires, or for as long as required by law.

If you e.g. is employed, we process your personal data for as long as necessary to administer the employment relationship.
If you are a student, we process your personal information as long as you are a student at UU.
If you are a participant in a study, we process your personal data for as long as necessary to ensure the quality of the research.
With regard to public documents, personal data is handled in these in accordance with what applies in accordance with the Freedom of the Press Ordinance (1949: 105), the Archives Act (1990: 782) and the National Archives' regulations. In many cases, this means that your personal data may be destroyed after a short time or preserved forever in our archive systems (diplomas).

