KAW Program for Mathematics

In order for Sweden to regain an international, cutting edge position in Mathematics, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, will support prominent researchers in Mathematics during 2014-2029. The funding amounts to a total of SEK 650 million.

The aim is for Sweden to recover its position at the international cutting edge by giving the best young researchers international experience and by recruiting young as well as more experienced mathematicians to Sweden.

The program includes three calls.

  • Postdoctoral Scholarship Program in Mathematics for Researchers with a Swedish doctors degree
  • Postdoctoral Scholarship Program in Mathematics for Researchers from outside Sweden (observe that an internal pre-application to the University is required).
  • Nomination of guest professors

Current call

The next call deadline is October 5, 2024, 13:00.

Note: Deadline for pre-applications - September 2. Read more below about the handling of these applications at Uppsala University.

Pre-application instructions

Applications to the sub-programme Postdoctoral Scholarship Program in Mathematics for Researchers from outside Sweden must undergo an internal prioritization process at Uppsala University. Pre-applications serve as the basis for the prioritization. The evaluation is performed by the heads of departments and the section dean of mathematics/IT, to ensure that the applications submitted to KAW have been approved by its discipline and are in accordance with strategies and planning.

The pre-application is a shorter version of the application to be submitted to KAW. Email your pre-application (in English) to researchsupport-teknat@uu.se no later than Monday 2 September 2024.

Attach to your email a single PDF-file containing:

  • A project description with following content:
    • The first part should describe the research group/institution at the Swedish university.
    • The second part should describe the project and research area where a post doctoral reseacher will be appointed and, if a candidate is already identified, the name of that person.
    • The third part should describe the candidate and the planned project in detail.
  • The applicant’s CV, including a list of publications.
  • Budget - use the KAW budget template

