After the exam

t is possible to extract information from different systems regarding the examinees’ activities during the examination, for example how much time an examinee used for each question. Contact Support for the respective system for information on what options are available.

För sen inlämning

Examinations received after the set deadline should be handled uniformly and in a pre-determined manner, and examinees should be informed about how this will be handled. It is normal for late submissions to not be accepted, with examinees instead referred to the re-examination session. In Inspera, late submissions are not possible. In Studium, it must be specified whether it should be possible or not.

Bedömning av examination

Criteria for assessing the questions should be defined when an examination is designed. When defining assessment criteria, it is a good idea to think about what significance language has for the answer. For example, how should deficient sentence structure, lack of logic, and lack of punctuation be assessed?

Collaboration with colleagues can work well to define examination criteria together. The discussion itself often facilitates assessment work. Some departments create assessment matrices, which can be discussed with the students in the course before the examination session. Naturally, a discussion of this type can also be conducted without an assessment matrix. If the students know what the assessment criteria are and how they will be applied, it is often beneficial to learning.

It is a good idea to think through the assessment process ahead of time. Is it possible to distribute the examinations, or even different questions, between different colleagues when it is time for assessment? Most of the time, the criteria have been defined collegially, but do not forget that you can also discuss the actual assessments with each other. A short reconciliation meeting in which you discuss borderline cases with colleagues is often time well spent. Not least, it is a way of working to ensure a fair, legally-compliant examination.


A submitted examination is a public record, and must therefore be archived for two years, regardless of format. The examinees’ answers and the examination exercises are public records, and shall be available to those who wish to access them. Consult the archivist in case of uncertainty.

