Seminars and conferences

Uppsala University offers seminars and conferences related to quality and evaluation.

Uppsala University’s conference for review of study programmes took place on Wednesday 17 April, in the University Main Building. The onference was given in half-day format and consist of theme sessions with opportunities to exchange experiences and discuss with colleagues.

Aims of the conference are to inspire, disseminate results and experiences within the University, as well as to stimulate collegial discussions across the lines of Disciplinary Domains and Faculties for quality enhancement purposes. The internal annual conference is a part of the Uppsala University’s Model for Review of Study Programmes.

The conference is particularly aimed at education managers (programme coordinators, directors of study, course coordinators, heads of department, deans, pro deans, committees, boards), teachers, student unions, doctoral students, faculty programme officers, pedagogical and other support functions.

Programme Pdf, 127 kB.

The Division for Quality Enhancement organises the conference.

Webinar on Course Evaluations 11 April 2024

How can course evaluations contribute to course development? How are the results compiled and what can a course report look like? How do we give feedback concerning the results to students?

The Division for Quality Enhancement invites you to a webinar on course evaluations in Zoom.

The webinar is given in Swedish. You will find more information about the webinar and a link to registration on the Swedish page in the staff gateway.

“As you shout you will be answered” – workshop on question areas and question formulation in course evaluations

How can course evaluations contribute to course development? Which questions are important to ask? How do we formulate relevant questions in course evaluations?

The division for quality enhancement invites you to a workshop on designing course evaluations (held in Swedish).

You will find more information about the workshop and a link to the registration on the Swedish page in the staff gateway.


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