Admission and registration

Applications for the Master's Programmes are open during the following period:

  • International application round: mid-October to mid-January.
  • National application round: mid-March to mid-April.

Students on our Master's Programmes can find information about application on the Programme pages in Studium.

If you have questions regarding the application, please contact

Read more about our programmes

Registration autumn 2024

If you are admitted, registration is mandatory in order for you to keep your spot. Different registration processes apply to different admissions rounds.

  • If you are admitted in the international application round you must attend the mandatory roll call in Uppsala 29 August.
  • If you are admitted in the national application round you must register in Ladok, which has an earlier deadline, 26 August.

If you have any questions about this or find any confusion regarding which registration process applies to you, contact us at before the registration deadline.


International application round

The international application round is open between October and January and admission results are sent out in March.

You register by attending the mandatory roll call in Uppsala 29 August. If you do not attend in person you will lose your spot on the programme.

If you are conditionally admitted, it means that you were not eligible when you applied for the programme (AV, VI) or that you need to pay the tuition fee (SV). You register by attending the mandatory roll call. You also need to fulfil the programme requirements and/or paying the tuition fee.

You fulfill the requirement by:

  • AV, VI - Uploading your degree diploma and complete transcription to your University Admission account, on, as soon as possible but no later than 08:00 CET 2 September.
  • AV, VI - Sending an email to and and state that you have uploaded the documents, no later than 08:00 CET 2 September. Remember to include your name and what programme you are admitted to.
  • SV - Paying the tuition fee according to the information Fee Master has communicated. If you have questions regarding tuition fees - please contact
  • SV - Sending an email to and state that you have paid. Remember to include your name and what programme you are admitted to.

Mandatory roll call

The roll call will take place in Uppsala, at Campus Ekonomikum 29 August. We will have drop-in hours 08:30 - 12:00 CET. You need to bring your passport or ID to the roll call.

Roll call address: Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, entrance 10 C, ground floor at The Department of Business Studies.

Is the roll call mandatory?

Yes. You confirm your place on your programme by attending the mandatory roll call.

I’m waiting to hear whether my application for a residence permit has been successful. What should I do if I don’t get an answer in time?

If you application for residence permit is denied or if the Migration Agency has not issued a decision, and you are not able to attend the mandatory roll call for the programme, you will be cut from the programme.

Who is required to attend the mandatory roll call?

Different registration processes apply to different admissions rounds.

  • If you applied in the international application round open between October and January, and got the admissions result in March you have to attend the mandatory roll call in Uppsala. Programme code on starts with a M, for example UU-M2125.
  • If you are admitted in the national application round open between March and April, with the admissions result in July you are going to register through Ladok. The registration through Ladok has an earlier deadline. Programme code on starts with a P, for example UU-P2125.

If I am unable to make it to the on-campus roll call, can I attend online?

No. We are unable to make individual exceptions.

Why don’t you offer online roll calls?

The classes begin shortly after the roll call and missing the start of your programme has a negative consequence for learning outcomes. Online roll-calls increase the risk of our students arriving late and missing the first part of scheduled classes.

Do exchange students also have to attend the mandatory roll call?

No, exchange students do not need to attend the roll call for a degree programme.

National application round

The national application round is open between March and April and admission results are sent out in July.

You register in Ladok, during the period 26 July - 26 August.

If you are conditionally admitted it means that you were not eligible when you applied for the programme (AV, VI) or that you need to pay the tuition fee (SV), and you cannot register through Ladok. Your registration is therefor made according to the steps below. Step 1 is only for those that need to pay the tuition fee.

  1. Pay the tuition fee according to the information Fee Master has communicated. If you have questions regarding tuition fee - please contact
  2. Send an email to stating that you intend to register on the programme no later than 26 August.
  3. Send an email to with a certificate showing that you fulfil the requirements and/or have paid your fee, no later than 08:00 CET 2 September.

Other information

On, you can find your admission results. The admission result will state if you are conditionally admitted and show AV or VI. Being conditionally admitted means you were not eligible when applying for the programme.

Master’s Programme in Business and Management:

  • Bachelor’s degree (AV)
  • English 6 (AV)
  • 90 credits in business studies (VI)

Master’s Programme in Accounting and Financial Management:

  • Bachelor’s degree (AV)
  • English 6 (AV)
  • 90 credits in business studies (VI)
  • 15 credits in statistics (VI)

Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship:

  • Bachelor’s degree (AV)
  • English 6 (AV)

Master’s Programme in International and European Law and Business:

  • Bachelor’s degree (AV)
  • English 6 (AV)
  • 90 credits in business studies, commercial law or legal science (VI)

The teaching platform is called Studium (Canvas). Each course has their own site and when you are registered you can access the site. On the site you can find schedule, syllabus, course literature, list of teachers etc.

The schedule can be found on the course site from 21 July, and when you are registered you can find your own personal schedule, My Schedule, on the Student Site and in Studium. This schedule is based on all the courses and seminar groups you belong to.

If you have any questions about the course you are admitted to, please email the Course Administration.

If you have a long-term disability that affects your studies, you can get targeted study support. The support offered is based on your individual needs and aims to facilitate your studies. The goal is for all students to have an opportunity to study on equal terms.

You can find more information at the department site for students with disabilities.

If you are admitted to a programme and want to postpone the commencement of your studies, you can apply for deferral of studies. This means that you apply to begin your studies next year. You can read more about it, including how to apply, at the University site about deferral.

As important as it is to register to courses you are going to take, as important is it to ask us to remove your registration, if you change your mind about taking the course/programme.

You de-register by sending an email to the student counsellor at the Department of Business Studies, including your namne, your personal number and the name of the course.

The Student Counsellor at Campus Uppsala is available until Thursday 20 June and will be back on Monday 29 July. Email will be answered on 12 and 18 July.

The Student Service Office is available until Friday 5 July and will be back on Monday 5 August.


If you have any questions regarding admission or registration, please contact the student counsellor.

Questions regarding re-registration, course content, schedule, exams etc, should be send to the course administration.

