Studies abroad - Prague

Studying abroad contributes to making your studies and experiences broader and deeper. It will give you new knowledge and perspectives on education. In a world that is international and global, exchange is not only a window to the world – it is a step out into this world.

Call for exchange studies through Department of Informatics and Media

The department of Informatics and Media has a student exchange with Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

A second application round for exchange spring term 2025 will open in August-September 2024.

The Department of Informatics and Media has one departmental agreement and you can study Media and Communication Studies at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2 places each year). You can choose to broaden your knowledge in our discipline by choosing courses that are not on offer in Uppsala. The agreement is part of the Erasmus+ exchange program..


To consider if you would like to study in Prague
Prague has semester dates that do not correspond to the dates of Uppsala University. Their autumn term, that is called winter term, both starts and ends earlier. For Prague the overlap into the Spring term in Uppsala is not so huge. Be sure to consider how the semester dates align with your studies in Sweden – before and after the exchange period.

For this to work out you need to make a plan and also contact the departmental coordinators to discuss your plans.

If you would like to study other subjects you can apply for exchange through the Unit for International Mobility. They have more exchange places on offer, both in Media and Communication Studies and in other subjects. Through the International Office you can also go for exchange to all part of the world, not only Europe.

All students that are enrolled on a program in Media and Communication Studies or that have taken a course in Media and Communication Studies at the Department of Informatics and Media can apply for exchange studies at our partner in Prague. The exchange can be done on all cycles of studies – bachelor’s, master’s.

You can study abroad for one semester or maximum one year on each study cycle. If you are a student on the Bachelor's Programme in Media, Communication and Journalism Studies you may choose one of the elective semesters for the exchange. If you are a student on the Master Programme in Social Science, Digital Media and Society, the third semester offers the best conditions for an exchange.

Requirement for students on bachelor's level:

  • that you at the time of application are enrolled on courses i Media and Communication Studies at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, or that you were enrolled the pervious semester and that you at the time of application are studying at Uppsala University;
  • that you at the time of application have 30 credits of university studies;
  • that you at the start of the exchange are expected to have completed 60 credits of university studies, including 30 credits in Media and Communication Studies;
  • that you are in command of the receiving university’s language of instruction, if not English.

Requirement for students on advanced level:

  • that you are enrolled on the Master's Programme in Social Science, majoring in Digital Media and Society, and are expected to have completed 15 credits in Media and Communication Studies at the start of your exchange. Motivated requests for exceptions can be considered.

If the criteria above are not met, the offer for exchange may be retracted.

First you apply using the system MoveOn for a nomination to be sent for an exchange. If you are nominated by the Department you are invited to apply to the partner university. It is only when the partner university has admitted you and there is a learning agreement between us that your exchange agreement is in force.

Your application for exchange studies is done through MoveOn.

Dates for application will be published later.

Your application for exchange is done using MoveOn. Fill in all the required information and load up the documents you want to use to support your application. You must upload an academic purpose statement, summary of credits awarded the highest grade, documentation of study related activities, decision of study break (collect all these four in one document) and a transcript of record.

(1) Your application is for an Erasmus SMS

(2) You may apply to both universities, but you must decide upon you priority.

(3a) Academic Purpose Statement (APS): The most important part of your application is a purpose statement. This statement should be between 400 to 600 words and should be written in English.

In the statement you should describe why you want to go on the exchange, why you have chosen this particular University and how you think that the exchange will be of use for your further studies and/or future professional work.

(3b) Summary of credits awarded and higher grades: Based on the transcript of records you should make a summary and report how many credits you have and the amount of credits with the highest grade that you have been awarded. Aggregate and account for:

  • total amount of credits (hp) from Swedish higher learning institutions
  • amount of credits with the grade VG
  • amount of credits with the grade 5
  • amount of credits with the grade AB
  • amount of credits with the grade “A” (e.g. given at Stockholm university)
  • amount of credits with just the grades G/U (Pass/Fail)

(3c) Documentation of study related activities: Involvement in student’s organisations (assignments as student representative, activity in student association, union or nation).

(3d) Decision of study break: If you have a study break you should also attach the decision, that is to be found in Uppdok (or a comparable document from the Department).

(4) Transcript of records: You should add a transcript of record (showing the courses that you have taken and credits awarded) in PDF-format.

(5) You might need to certify your competence in English if you apply for Bremen and do not have a Swedish degree in English from high school. When applying to Prague, the Department is responsible to guarantee your skills in English.

The selection is based, with equal weight, on (1) grades and (2) Academic Purpose Statement – APS. As a third selection criterion (3) involvement with student activities and organisations will be used. Students that already are nominated by the International Office for exchange will be given lower priority in the selection process.

The selection is done by the Department. If applications are assessed to be equivalent additional interviews might be conducted.

You will be notified about the nomination (i.e. that the institution will nominate you to a partner university) within a few weeks after the application. The nomination decision will be sent to you by e-mail. You must be accessible and reply to the offer within short notice (exact time for reply will be in the notification). If you don’t answer in time your place will be offered to another student.

If you have been nominated or been accepted a place, but for some reason cannot go on the exchange, you must, as soon as possible, contact the departmental Erasmus+ coordinators.

Questions about courses available, how to plan your studies, learning agreement and how to adapt your studies before and after the exchange: contact Göran Svensson, Academic Erasmus+ Coordinator,

Practical and administrative issues concerning the exchange: contact Tina Kekkonen, Administrative Erasmus+ Coordinator,

Further changes to the provisions above remain possible.

