Transfer of credits and leave of absence

On this page you can apply for transfer of credits of part of a course. You can also apply for leave of absence from your studies, as well as notify us that you are breaking off your studies.

Transfer of credits

If you already have a passing grade on an academic course or part of the course with the same content as a course you're taking at our department you might be able to transfer some of the credits. At the department level, we can only approve the transfer of credits for partial courses, for example, a module in a bigger course.

If you want to apply for a transfer of credits for complete courses, or courses taken in another country so you can apply for a degree at Uppsala University, you do that with the university's Student Registry Unit. Read more on the Degree pages.

If you have questions about applying for a transfer of credits you are welcome to email our study counsellor.

If you apply for a transfer of credits you need to upload all relevant documentation. Otherwise, we can't make a proper decision. You can find further instructions on the application form.

Academic leave of absence

A leave of absence can be granted if you meet any of the special conditions stated in the Higher Education Ordinance, for example, parental leave, medical reasons or other special circumstances. We grant leave of absence for one or two semesters at a time. If you need a longer absence than that, you make a new application.

Resumption of studies

If you have been granted academic leave of absence you need to notify us no later than the date indicated on the decision approving your leave that you are returning to your studies. If you do not notify us in time you may lose your spot.

Discontinuation of studies

Discontinue a course

You can yourself discontinue a course you are registered to in Ladok. You can also email us on if you want help with the matter. We also recommend that you tell your teacher you are leaving the course.

Discontinue a programme

If you want to discontinue a programme (and not a single course) you need to notify us on a special form. We also recommend that you tell your programme coordinator you are leaving the programme.


Study counsellor

Student Office

