Accommodations at written examination

If you study at the Faculty of Science and Technology and have been granted exam accommodations, you need to submit a request for this before each exam.

First, you need to email your Nais certificate to if you have not done so before. Then, register for the exam in Ladok. After that, you can request your recommended accommodations.

Your request only applies to courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology. If you are taking courses at another faculty, please contact course responsible department. If your course is offered by SLU, contact instead.

You must submit your request at least 12 days in advance of the written exam. You will receive a confirmation by email about one week before the exam. Be sure to check that it is correct.

Please note that the accommodations you have been granted are only recommendations and cannot be guaranteed. Practical reasons such as technical issues or lack of space may make the accommodations impossible.

Information regarding the summer period

During the month of July, we have limited staffing and therefore longer response times. For urgent matters, please contact

For requests for accommodations for summer courses, please refer to the respective course-responsible department. If your request for accommodation concerns a retake exam in August, please use the form below.

Request accomodations at written examination

Eg. 1TE687 Engineering Ethics. You can find course code and course name in Ladok.
Exam date * (mandatory)
Exam date
Requests submitted less than 12 days before written exam will not be processed.

Time when the regular exam starts and ends
Ordinary exam room * (mandatory)
Ordinary exam room

If you have chosen the alternative "Other", please specify the exam room in the field below

Accomodations and aids for written examination * (mandatory)
Accomodations and aids for written examination

Questions and contact

If you have questions, or problems requesting accomodations, please contact


