Food: Sustainability, Security and Society

5 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 1MV022

Summer 2024 Summer 2024, Flexible, 33%, Distance learning, Swedish

About the course

This course gives an introduction to the role of food within the framework of sustainable development. The course introduces and addresses themes such as sustainability in global and local food systems, food consumption and choices, and issues related to food safety and resilience. Food is used as a concrete and practical example to exemplify how different dimensions of sustainable development interact at various scales. The first part of the course is a theoretical introduction to the course's themes, while the second part involves a practical component where students engage in an in-depth and hands-on project to explore various dimensions of how food and sustainable development are interconnected.

Outline for the distance course: The course is conducted remotely and has no mandatory meetings on campus. Lectures and/or seminars online occur. The course begins with a more intensive period of lectures and/or seminars. Once this period is over, you complete a project and can independently control your study time.

Communication with the course leaders is conducted through Studium.

The course is examined through preparation for and active participation in seminars or through other web-based assignments (2 credits), and written documentation of a project (3 credits).


The course is offered at CEMUS, Centre for Environment and Development Studies, in a student-led educational model where students actively contribute to shaping the courses and their content, creating a student-centred learning environment.

