Cultivating Transformational Communities

7.5 credits

Course, Master's level, 5SD320

Spring 2024 Spring 2024, Flexible, 50%, Distance learning, English

About the course

Do you want to use analogue role-playing games in your career in the helping profession? At the Department of Game Design, you can study the power of transformative play as a vehicle for personal and social growth. Building on the work done in the previous courses Introduction to Transformative Game Design, Transformative Game Design 1 and Transformative Game Design 2, this course will examine best practices from leisure, therapeutic, and educational playful communities with an emphasis on establishing and maintaining safety. It's the fourth of four (4) courses which together make you eligible for the Certificate in Transformative Game Design. 

The course is online and run at half-time (50%) at the Master's level. Half-time means that students should expect to set aside twenty (20) hours per week for work, including: extensive reading and watching videos; engagement in written asynchronous discussion forums and peer reviews; writing journals, professional documents, and academic papers; and meeting synchronously over video conferencing with their playtest groups a minimum of three (3) times per course.

Note: Admission to this course will not grant you a visa in Sweden.

Outline for distance course: The course is net-based and has no mandatory physical meetings. To follow the course, you will need a computer with an internet connection.


