Interactive Storytelling

7.5 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5SD059

A revised version of the syllabus is available.
Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Game Design G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 30 January 2015
Responsible department
Department of Game Design

General provisions

The course is part of both the main field of study Game Design and the secondary field of study Liberal Arts. The course has thus a double classification. Courses included in the main field of study Game Design which are also classified in the secondary field of study Liberal Arts are Game Design in Practice (15 credits), Interactive Storytelling (7.5 credits), Ethics in New Media (7.5 credits) and Character Design and Representation (7.5 credits).

Entry requirements

30 credits

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, students with a Pass grade will be able to:

  • describe interactive storytelling and basic narratological theories in a reflective manner.
  • explain the basic principles of interactivity and agency from a .
  • understand the special features, difficulties and possibilities of interactive storytelling.
  • design and create stories with a branching structure, and will
  • know the basic principles of visual storytelling


The course is interdisciplinary with ideas taken primarily from subject areas within Ethnology, Literary Science and Game Design. It provides a basic knowledge of interactive storytelling in theory and practice. The course places greater emphasis on the latter with student creativity as a core component.

The course takes up the role and function of storytelling from a cultural perspective. It provides an introduction to narratology and other literary models and methods. In addition, the key concepts of interactivity and agency are explored as are the special features, difficulties and possibilities of interactive storytelling. Furthermore, the course includes in-depth studies into methods for creating interactive storytelling such as narrative structures (linear and branching), dramatized character design, mechanisms for interactive dialogues, computer-generated intrigues and visual storytelling (basic film theory).


Lectures, seminars and workshops with active student participation. In addition, students do coursework both as individuals and in groups.


Assessment is of hand-in assignments, verbal presentations and a final reflective report. The course grades are Pass with Credit, Pass or Fail.

Uppsala University has a strict attitude towards cheating and plagiarism and disciplinary measures will be taken against students who are suspected of involvement in any kind of cheating/plagiarism. The disciplinary measures take the form of a warning and suspension for a limited period.

Other directives

The course is part of both the main field of study Game Design and the minor field of study Liberal Arts.

