
Institutionen för informatik media erbjuder doktorandkurser till studenter inom våra tre doktorandprogram (människa-datorinteraktion, informationssystem, medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap) samt till studenter vid övriga forskarutbildningar inom Uppsala universitet, särskilt de inom Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten och andra inom vetenskapsområdet för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. I vissa fall är doktorandkurser som erbjuds också öppna för utvalda svenska forskarutbildningsnätverk (t.ex. svenska doktorandkurser inom människa-datorinteraktion; eller TRAIN Network för doktorander inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap i Sverige).

Information om kurser som ges inom institutionen finns enbart på engelska (nedan):

PhD Courses at the department

The following PhD course is at present recurrently offered by the Department of Informatics and Media (NB: please note that the course below does not take place on a regular/annual basis, so kindly check with course convenor for the current/forthcoming iterations):

Qualitative Analysis and Critical Discourse Studies

(Course Convenor: Professor Michal Krzyzanowski)

This 7.5 hp PhD course offers a comprehensive introduction to both key premises of qualitative analysis and of Critical Discourse Analysis / Critical Discourse Studies considered in close combination and while pointing to their mutual complementariness. It highlights the special role of CDA/CDS in bridging several areas of qualitative social inquiry and provides theoretical as well as practical introduction to how discourse-based research can be used in exploring the dynamics of contemporary social change from a communication-oriented and qualitative point of view. The course provides examples of – as well as opportunities for - hands-on analysis allowing students to follow as well as apply various problem-oriented ways of analysing communication across various sites and modalities of mediation in society (especially in such areas as traditional and online/social media, politics, policy and organisations). It also explores discourse-centred, qualitative research designs applied to not only selected/isolated contexts of communication but also while tracing - in a typically CDS-manner - recontextualisation of discourses and meanings across various spatial and temporal scales and diverse sites of articulation of meanings in different social fields.

