5/9 Erik Bergwall, Uppsala: Presentation av avhandlingskapitel

19/9 Eric Drott, Butler School of Music, University of Texas: 'Music and Genre in the Age of Algorithms'

3/10 Melanie Schiller, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Ann-Marie Hanlon, University of Galway: Presentation av föreslaget ENLIGHT-projekt. Schiller: 'Populism in the land of pop: The Sweden Democrats, popular music, and the performance of heroic averageness'; Hanlon: 'Gendered Experiences of the Irish Music Industry'

10/10 Halvor Hosar, Uppsala: 'A Tale of Two Wanhals - A Case of Eighteenth-Century Identity Theft'

24/10 Jonas Lundblad, Uppsala: 'Intermedial perspectives on Swedish Music from the 1920s and -30s'

31/10 John Vandevert, Uppsala: Presentation av avhandlingsprojekt

14/11 Riccardo Pintus, Uppsala: Presentation av avhandlingsprojekt

21/11 Karina Zybina, Uppsala: 'The Light in/and the Darkness: On Blindness in P.I. Tchaikovsky's Iolanta'

28/11 Sanna Raninen, Uppsala: Titel meddelas senare

5/12 Jun Kai Pow, Uppsala: 'Ayo Mama: Migration, Kinship and Gerontomusicology'

31/1 Marianne Gillion, Uppsala: ‘Saints, Scholars, and Singers: Reforming Musical Devotion’

7/2 Janne Holmén, institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier, Uppsala: ’The musical prelude to diagrams of scientific systems’

14/2 Mattias Lundberg, Uppsala: ‘Andreas Karlstadt's 53 theses against plainchant (1521/22): translation, interpretation and repercussions’

21/2 Christine Dysers, Uppsala: ‘The Unspeakable: Music in the Age of Uncertainty’

14/3 Anne Reese, Uppsala: ‘The daily press as a window into the musical life: methodological discussion on data collection’

21/3 Karina Zybina, Uppsala: ‘The Wonderful Adventures of... The Cairo Goose: on an unfinished opera by W.A. Mozart’

18/4 Lars Berglund, Uppsala: ‘The mysterious composer Paoli Rittlini and their Ad mensam dulcissimi: a study in musical adaptation and a tentative attribution’ (artikelutkast)

25/4 Kawkab Tawfiq and Muhammad Abouzeid, Cairo and Søren Møller Sørensen, Copenhagen: ‘Music for Egyptian Zār rituals’

9/5 Metoda Kokole, Ljubljana: ‘Metamorphoses of Italian operas upon reaching the Austrian realms in the 18th century’

16/5 Maria Schildt: ‘Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater in Sweden 1747–1845’

23/5 Emma Sohlgren: Avhandlingskapitel: ‘Performances of Italian opera arias in mid-18th-century Sweden: pasticcio adaptations and public concerts’

30/5 Ann Werner: ‘Nation and gender in European classical music education’

