Migrant´s values adapt to the destination country's

The infographic shows how the view of economic redistribution in a country relates to how individualistic the values are in the population. The figure shows that migrants' perceptions of redistribution gradually become more linked to the values of the receiving country than to those of the country of origin.

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Preferences for economic redistribution in a country relate to how individualistic the values are in the population. The figure shows that migrants’ attitudes to redistribution are gradually becoming more linked to the values in the destination country than to those in the country of origin.

The figure shows the association between individualism and preferences for redistribution for the entire population (dashed purple line) compared with the developement of this association for migrants over time in the destination country. Newly arrived migrants are more influenced by the culture of their country of origin (turquoise points) but are integrated within their lifetime into the culture of the destination country (orange points). The vertical lines show the margin of error for the association (confidence interval 95%).

