About Medtech Science & Innovation Centre

Medtech Science & Innovation centre is a collaboration between Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital. Partners in the centre are the disciplinary domains of Science and Technology, and Medicine and Pharmacy at Uppsala University, and Uppsala University Hospital.

Medtech Science & Innovation represents Uppsala as one of Nodes in the national Strategic Innovation Programme Medtech4Health, financed by VINNOVA. Through this program, regular calls for funding applications are announced to support MedTech innovation.

MedTech Science & Innovation aims to:

  • perform and coordinate research in medical technology at Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital
  • highlight current international research in the area of medical technology
  • initiate new educational activities and coordinate courses with a clear connection to medical technology
  • organize information dissemination through guest lectures, seminars, study visits, and other forms of knowledge exchange
  • create a foundation for interdisciplinary collaboration
  • work as contact point towards external stakeholders and participate in national as well as international collaborations within medical technology

A Board and a Director lead Medtech Science & Innovation. The board consists of members from the centre’s three partners – the disciplinary domains of Science and Technology, and Medicine and Pharmacy, at Uppsala University, as well as Uppsala University Hospital.

If you are interested in learning more about biomedical engineering in Uppsala, please contact us!


Maria Tenje (UU, Division Head Biomedical Engineering)


Staffan Svärd, Chair (Deputy Vice-Rector, Science and Technology)

Joakim Lindblad (UU, Science and Technology)

Christel Bergström (UU, Medicine and Pharmacy)

Anna-Karin Wikström (Uppsala University Hospital)


Cecilia Persson (UU, Science and Technology)

Daniel Nowinski (UU, Medicine and Pharmacy)

Ulrica Fjärstedt (Uppsala University Hospital)

