Study at Medtech Science & Innovation Centre

Uppsala university and Uppsala University Hospital jointly gives the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedical Engineering. The three-year programme started in 2018, and Uppsala MedTech Science & Innovation will be involved in several ways. Maria Hägglund is the course director for the course “Implementation of Medical Technology” in year 3 of the program and MTSI Director Maria Tenje support the students in the prep-course for their BSc projects. .

2024 Summer school on Biodesign - specifically targeting PhD students within the European network ENLIGHT.

The Implementation Science group is also involved in other education activities. Maria Hägglund is e.g. the course director for the summer school "Co-design of Digital Health Innovations (Co-DHI)", and teaches in the course "Patientperspektiv och egenförmåga" at Lund University. Sara Riggare teaches in the course "Patienten och vårdmötets dynamik".

Future educational activities will posted here, and if you are interested in an invited lecture in any of our research areas – don’t hesitate to contact us!

Are you a PhD student with a project in the field of medical technology? Check out this PhD School organized by Medtech Science & Innovation center (MTSI) at Uppsala University.

As one of the center activities MTSI runs a PhD school in the MedTech field. The school accepted its first group of students in the fall of 2021. The next call is now open for applications.

Framework of the Ph.D. School

  • Already admitted and financed PhD students can apply. Their projects should have a clear connection to either clinical or industrial needs, within the MedTech field. The PhD student should have at least two years left to their defense.
  • The student should intend to attend all four courses.
  • MTSI finances 4 PhD students with clinical service with 50 000 kr/year.
  • The courses will run with 2-year cycles and may be open to more than the doctoral students admitted to the graduate school.

The following 4 courses are included in the PhD school

  1. Introduction to the MedTech Science and Innovation PhD school (3 hp)

When: 23-27 September 2024

Teaching: 1-week intensive course + home assignments

Course content: Introduction to PhD school and enrolled students – community building, introduction to development of MedTech products and to MedTech research at UU.

  1. Taking you biomedical technology from idea to bedside (3 hp)

When: spring 2025

Teaching: 1-week intensive course + home assignments.

Course content: Introduction to protecting your research (IP), planning for research impact and lean startup. Introduction to implementation science and patient-involvement in research.

  1. Biodesign – learn to work with design of medical devices (5 hp)

When: autumn 2025

Teaching: Coaching, workshop, home assigments.

Course content: Work with peers to identify critical needs that could be addressed through medical devices, hands-on approach to develop medical devices that builds on a well-established framework from Stanford University, support and coaching from experienced medical device developers, teachers and entrepreneurs.

  1. Interdisciplinary perspectives on medical technology innovation and implementation (4 hp)

When: spring 2026

Teaching: Seminars.

Course content: Familiarize participants with the key assumptions and ideas of a social science approach to innovation and implementation. Provide insight into the appropriate methodological choices when analysing complex health care contexts

Extra course

MTSI Seminar series (1.5 hp)

When: starting autumn 2024

Teaching: Seminars together with home assignments and discussions.

Course content: Monthly invited seminars from the Medtech society.

How to apply?

Send an email with a short CV and project description (maximum one page) to:

Doctoral candidates will be selected based on the above criteria.


  • Applications are accepted continuously up until August 31 2024
  • Graduate school starts on September 23rd 2024 with an intensive course.

