Presidency reports

BUP Presidency report autumn 2023

The BUP National Centre in Latvia, which is located at Riga Technical University (RTU), held the BUP Presidency. This is their presidency report.

During RTU’s presidency, a BUP Centre Directors meeting was held on 10-11 October 2023. During the two-day period, Riga welcomed BUP representatives from University of Tallinn, Södertörn University, Technical University of Lodz, Kaunas University of Technologies, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Åbo Akademi University, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, National University of Lviv, and Zittau/Görlitz University.

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A group of people standing in a terrace

The participants at the Centre Directors meeting held in Riga. Photo: Arta Pipcāne

The representatives were welcomed by the Rector of RTU prof. Tālis Juhna and BUP Centre Director for Latvia Mr. Juris Iljins. During the BUP Centre Directors meeting, the sessions aimed to conduct a comprehensive review of past achievements, identify areas for improvement, and outline a strategic roadmap for future cooperation. The initial segment of the meeting was dedicated to a thorough review of accomplishments and milestones achieved since the last gathering. Reports included a detailed overview of each of the Centre’s contributions, highlighting key projects, successful initiatives, and noteworthy milestones. Following the review of past accomplishments, the floor was opened to a candid discussion about areas that warranted improvement. Workshops were held on both days, during which constructive feedback was actively encouraged, fostering an atmosphere of transparency and collective responsibility. The report generated from this session encapsulates the collaborative spirit and strategic vision that permeated the discussions. The journey ahead holds promising opportunities.

On the second day of event, participants went on tours through RTU’s Ķīpsala campus. During the excursion, BUP centre directors and members toured RTU laboratories and were introduced to RTU’s infrastructure.

Later a few meetings were held, including a meeting about the BUP Action Plan and a financing conclusion. A pivotal component of the meeting focused on the financial underpinning of the Action Plan for 2024. The discussion centered on prioritising key initiatives, and exploring avenues for cost optimization. The meeting provided a platform for a robust exchange of ideas and insights, fostering a collaborative environment where the synthesis of strategy, Action Plan, and financing seamlessly converged. Decision-making was a collective process, with each participant contributing expertise and perspectives.

The event successfully ended with a guided tour through Riga and a dinner attended by all the members. The two-day Centre Directors meeting concluded with expressions of gratitude for the active participation and collaborative spirit demonstrated by all attendees.

BUP Presidency report spring 2023

The BUP National Centre in Lithuania, which is located at Kaunas University of Technology, held the BUP Presidency. This is their presidency report.

Throughout the BUP Lithuanian National Centre's presidency, the primary focus was dedicated to orchestrating three of BUP's annual events, successfully executed through collaborative efforts with the three esteemed members of the BUP network: Klaipėda University, Vilnius University, and Kaunas University of Technology. The key contributors to this success were the seamless cooperation among representatives from all three BUP participating universities in Lithuania, the equitable distribution of responsibilities in event organisation, and a steadfast commitment to ensuring the highest quality of each event.

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A group of people sitting on tall stairs.

Participants at the second workshop of the BUP Teachers' Course 2022-2023 held in Kaunas. Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

BUP Teachers Course 2022-2023

After a hiatus prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the BUP Teachers Course for the academic year 2022–2023 was successfully reinstated. This course was organised collaboratively by the BUP Associated Secretariat and the National Centre in Finland, housed at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Åbo Akademi University. The course, held for the 2022-2023 academic year, was hosted by the BUP Lithuanian National Centre in Kaunas at Kaunas University of Technology.

The primary objective of the BUP Teachers’ Course was to enhance the integration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into teaching methodologies, courses, and study programs. The course placed a particular emphasis on e-learning as a teaching methodology, featuring two workshops and a project component. It targeted educators, teachers, and researchers in higher education within the BUP network while also extending a warm welcome to applicants from universities and polytechnics outside the BUP network.

In Kaunas, the Director of the BUP National Centre, Visvaldas Varzinskas, introduced Kaunas University of Technology's dedication to sustainable development and outlined ongoing initiatives in this field. Associate Professor and Head of the Teachers' Center for Academic Competence at KTU, Asta Daunorienė, delivered a presentation on the systematic integration of Challenge Based Learning (CBL) into university studies. Thought-provoking discussions followed the presentation titled "Rethinking university teaching and learning for the 21st century" by Sheperh Urenje. During the workshop, participants presented their Change project reports and received feedback from peers and instructors, with a strong focus on creating value in Change projects, active learning methods, and the subsequent steps for project implementation. Event report from the BUP Teachers Course 2022-2023.

A big group of people standing outside a large building.

The participants at the BUP Student Conference 2023, held at Kaunas University of Technology. Photo: Pontus Ambros

BUP Student Conference 2023

In May 2023, the BUP Student Conference for the year 2023 took place at Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania. This conference centered around the theme 'Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Circular Economy Perspective' and included a collaboration with the International Young Researchers Conference. The 2023 BUP Student Conference was open to students from BUP participating universities and aimed to foster the development of young researchers' competencies related to sustainable development, sustainable production, and sustainable consumption. An impressive total of 70 students, representing 31 participating universities across all 10 countries in the BUP network, participated in the event.

The Student Conference spanned three days, with activities held both at Kaunas University of Technology and throughout the city of Kaunas. The conference commenced with introductory remarks by key personnel and featured two keynote speeches:

  • Kerli Kant Hvass, from the Estonian Business School, delivered insights into circularity within the fashion industry.
  • Jurgis Kazimieras Staniškis, an expert in UN Sustainable Development Goals and a member of the UN SDG expert group at Kaunas University of Technology, addressed the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change action.

The second day included four speeches and discussions with representatives from Lithuanian industry and society, followed by student presentations in the afternoon. All students had the opportunity to present their work in either poster or oral format. Another significant aspect of the conference was the Students' Parliament, designed to enhance student participation in decision-making within the BUP. Additionally, students enjoyed an annual cultural party celebrating Baltic regional culture and cuisine, along with a guided tour of Kaunas. Event report from the BUP Student Conference 2023.

A group of people standing on  flower covered grass.

Students who participated in the BUP Science and Sail 2023. Photo: Pontus Ambros

BUP Science and Sail 2023

Klaipėda University in Lithuania had the honor of hosting the BUP's summer school, named 'Science and Sail', in July 2023. This year's edition focused on the Baltic Sea Environment and engaged students in both maritime and terrestrial studies, featuring leading experts from across the region. A total of 35 students representing 26 BUP participating universities and all 10 countries within the BUP network enthusiastically participated in this event.

The summer school program revolved around four days of fieldwork, primarily conducted in and around Klaipėda. Students were organized into smaller groups, and the activities included:

  • Baltic Sea coastal hydrology, carried out aboard Klaipėda University's tall ship s/v Brabander, emphasizing water sampling, sailing skills, depth profiles, and salinity investigations.
  • Exploration of Baltic Sea sand beaches in Karklė, focusing on shoreline mapping, beach profiles, and GIS applications.
  • A full-day excursion to the Baltic Sea coastal sand dunes on the Curonian Spit, where biodiversity took center stage.
  • Ecological study and population counting of coastal cormorant colonies in the Placis Lagoon, centered around Baltic Sea coastal birds.

Additionally, students attended lectures, embarked on specialized site visits to Klaipėda University's Marine Research Institute and Botanical Garden, delivered presentations, and actively engaged in various pedagogical tasks throughout the program. Event report from the BUP Science and Sail 2023.

UP Presidency Autumn 2022

The BUP National Centre in Finland, which is located at Åbo Akademi University, held the BUP Presidency. This is their presidency report.

The year 2022 has been turbulent for the whole BUP cooperation, due to Russia’s offensive war in Ukraine. However, something positive is the return to a more normalized situation after the pandemic. BUP Finland is confident to again be able to arrange courses face to face after the Covid break.

Together with Riga Technical University and SWEDESD (Research and learning for sustainable development and global health) at Uppsala University, Åbo Akademi University arranged the first BUP Science Lab with a workshop in Riga in August 2022. After a break of two years, the BUP Teachers’ Course was also able to start a new round in the autumn.

Due to the Rectors’ Conference in Uppsala and the face-to-face meeting for BUP Centre Directors in Uppsala at the end of September, there was no opportunity or need for a meeting at Åbo Akademi. Besides our regular activities, i.e. two courses for teachers, production of course material, networking etc., the main occasion held due to the presidency was an online seminar on sustainable foot- and handprints at Finnish universities (i.e. BUP participating universities).

We had plans and negotiations during the spring for the arrangement of a hackathon event for students on circular economy during the autumn. For the arrangements we were relying on our cooperation with the BUP participating universities Novia University of Applied Sciences and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. To invite and arrange travels and accommodations for students from abroad is demanding but that would have been handled by BUP Finland. In the end, due to a limited schedule, the co-partners chose to host the event locally for only their own students. However, the discussion has begun, and it is possible to arrange a similar hackathon in the future where all BUP students can be invited.

Events during the presidency

The online seminar Sustainable foot- and handprints at Finnish Universities, was a two-hour event held on 17 November 2022. In the seminar we presented and discussed what efforts universities in Finland take to reduce their carbon footprint. Can this be measured? And what does carbon and biodiversity handprint mean?

The program consisted of three presentations and three shorter comments regarding the actual universities’ actions and thoughts about sustainable foot- and handprints. All viewpoints came from BUP participating universities in Finland, but the seminar was open for everybody interested.

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The program:

  • University of Turku: Towards 2025 – Carbon Neutral and Sustainable Campus Life
    Jutta Mäkinen, Sustainable Development Specialist, University of Turku.
  • Biodiversity Footprint Assessment in Organizations: Case JYU
    Sami El Geneidy, Doctoral Researcher in Corporate Environmental Management from the University of Jyväskylä.
  • JYU’s path towards planetary well-being
    Ulla Helimo, Sustainability specialist at division of policy and planning, University of Jyväskylä.

Shorter presentations by:

  • Sirpa Sandelin, SAMK – Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
  • Tomas Träskman, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
  • Otto Långvik, Novia University of Applied Sciences

The seminar was informative and interesting and generated good discussions and further thoughts. Therefore, we see it possible to follow up the theme with a new seminar in autumn 2023. In the second seminar it would be interesting to also invite speakers from BUP participating universities outside of Finland.

The online seminar had 23 participants and is also available on Youtube:

Playlist with all recorded presentations on Youtube.

Recording of all three shorter presentations on Youtube.

