Supervisor Collegium

The Supervisor Collegium is an initiative where colleagues contribute with their skills and knowledge to supervise master and PhD students from participating universities all over the region.

The Supervisor Collegium is a group of colleagues who take on the roles as extra supervisors for students during their PhD or master thesis. This is a win-win situation. Both for students who can get a second set of support, but also for supervisors who get to add this to their skillset.

Supervisor training series

Would you like to develop your skills in supervisionary techniques? Are you interested in learning from and with others in an interdisciplinary and interregional environment? Do you feel that you would like some more support regarding supervision? If yes, then this online training series is definitely for you!

Becoming an effective supervisor is often not easy and many colleagues are seldom offered any form of training with this topic. Moreover, whether you are more experienced with supervision or at the beginning of becoming a supervisor, it is always productive to learn some new techniques and discuss with others. Within the BUP’s commitment to education and supporting colleagues in their academic teaching, the BUP hopes that this free online training series can enhance and develop supervisionary pedagogies amongst colleagues, as well as promote an interactive and dynamic atmosphere amongst participants with a focus on matchmaking, workshopping and networking.

All colleagues who hold a PhD and are active at a BUP participating university will be welcomed to join the training series. This series places a particular focus on young researchers, especially those that have recently completed their doctorate, assistant lectures and docents, however, all those who have a desire to refresh their skills can participate. The material itself as well as the webinar activities will have relevance for all. No pre-knowledge is required, and colleagues from all disciplines will be welcomed.


The programme has been designed to offer a broad but focused introduction to supervision, supervisionary techniques and supervision pedagogies. There is a focus on learning together and exchanging ideas between the teachers and fellow participants in an interregional and interdisciplinary manner. Seminars will be interactive and participants will be expected to take part actively. The seminars themselves will be diverse in form and varied, consisting of short presentations before more interactive exercises, for example in smaller groups. All times are in CET.

Seminar 1: 5 December 2023- 14-16 ‘Supervisor collegia across borders - the role of supervisor collegia in interdisciplinary and intercultural collaborations’
-How to learn together, supervisor role and expectations, how can one work in informal/formal
Led by Uppsala University.

Seminar 2: 13 February 2024- 14-16 ‘The relationship between supervisor and supervisee’
Led by Uppsala University.

Seminar 3: 6 March 2024- 15-16:30 ‘Productive Learning’
Led by Tallinn University

Seminar 4: 9 April 2024- 14-16 Session focused on requests from participants- AI.
Led by Uppsala University.

Seminar 5: 14 May 2024- 14-15:30, 'Co-supervision'.
Led by SLU.

More information and the confirmation of topics will come in due course.

These seminars together form a training package and if completed by the participant will result in the award of a diploma. Colleagues are also welcome to join for a single seminar if preferred, however, this will not result in the awarding of a diploma. Materials will also be available on the BUP Course Platform and uploaded around the time of the seminar, allowing for reflections and additional viewing opportunities.

A lunch-to-lunch meeting with seminars and workshops is also scheduled tentatively for the middle of May 2024. Colleagues who attend the seminars as part of the training series will be welcome to attend.

Workshop to introduce the Supervisor Collegium

As part of the BUP's commitment to education and training, the BUP has begun increasing support to those in teaching and research positions who are either currently supervising or those that are considering the supervision of students at all levels. For some years now, the BUP has hosted a Supervisor Collegium where those interested in supervision can register themselves to be contacted regarding supervision. Following the 2022 Rectors' Conference, the BUP has placed emphasis on developing the Supervisor Collegium and growing the Collegium into a more dynamic resource.

The main aim of the BUP Supervisor Collegium is to exchange, grow and develop a Collegium of supervisors who can collaborate and learn together and exchange experiences in an interdisciplinary and intercultural environment. The BUP believes that this collaboration can be especially fruitful as the Baltic Sea Region is full of diverse and exciting academic cultures. The BUP therefore hosted an initial workshop which introduced the project and allowed for individual contributions. "The goals and needs for the PhD Supervisor Collegium" took place on 1 March over Zoom.

BUP colleagues supporting students

Being a part of the BUP Supervisor Collegium opens up new possibilities for colleagues, but also fills other needs. For example, it gives the possibility to have an overview of who can be an opponent on a thesis, or be a part of the examination committee for a PhD defence. The BUP also plan for seminars and different kinds of learning exchange opportunities within the BUP Supervisor Collegium.

The BUP has two training programs, the PhD Training Program and the Master Thesis Training. The main aim for both of the programs, is to give each student is the possibility to have some extra supervision from an external supervisor when working with their thesis. The interdisciplinary PhD Training Program have been given on an annual basis since 2013. The first Master Thesis Training took place during the spring semester of 2022. The BUP is continuously looking for more supervisors to support both PhD- and master students.

Students looking for supervisors

If you are a student, who is currently at Master or PhD level, or a prospective student that is looking for a supervisor, do contact the BUP Project administrator Evan Goss via, who can assist you in getting in touch with a potential supervisor.

The role of supervisor

In practice, being a part of the Supervisor Collegium would mean displaying your name and contact information along with a short presentation about your research interests. It will be collected in a document that will be available to the BUP that can then use the contact information before our events take place.

Since the start in 1991, the BUP has been working in this way, actively pooling the knowledge of colleagues from the BUP countries and different participating universities and disciplines. Together, we contribute with knowledge to develop projects like these, as well as other projects and research. The BUP hope it is of interest to you, to be a part of an international university co-operation and to be able to share and spread your knowledge in such a context.

More information and contact

To join the Supervisor Collegium please send an email to with the following information:

  • Name
  • Position
  • University
  • Discipline and Research Area (e.g. Political Science: International Security, Democratisation, Democracy and Dictatorship, European Union)
  • Interested in supervising master's students?
  • Interested in supervising PhD students?
  • Possible thesis topics/what are you interested in/what would you like to supervise? (e.g. My research years mainly concern democracies and dictatorships and their relations in international politics and what it is that creates the conditions for democratization processes within authoritarian countries. It also focuses on the role that the European Union can play and plays in security and cooperation.)

We offer everyone that wishes to join the Supervisor Collegium to also be a part of the BUP theme research networks.

If you have any questions, please contact

Two people sitting at a desk

Photo: Emma Stockvall Carlsson

