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Education for PhD students

Postgraduate education

Continuous education is an essential part of PhD studies, and students can take a wide range of courses in agreement with their supervisor and director of studies. The number of course credits required for a licentiate or doctoral degree is determined by the study plans for each subject; the courses that the students must follow are decided in the individual study plan.

Mur av gråa stenar.

PhD Education in your Department

The PhD Biology School brings together students across three Deaprtments. Each Department has its own guidlines and regulations for PhD student education. Find out relevant information for your own Department via the links below:

IOB PhD Education

IEG PhD Education

ICM PhD Education


Courses available to PhD students

Check out the Departmental webpages (links above) for Department-specific training oportunities. In addition, you can find details on courses for PhD students here:

Courses in the Biology Section

Go to the Faculty courses

Some other opportunities:
Workshops in genomics - Cesky Krumlov
Graduate Research School in Genomic Ecology - Lund University
EMBO courses
Advanced Research Training Courses - Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory courses

For suggesting topics, get in touch with the PhD School director (

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More on Postgraduate Studies

All the information you need about postgraduate studies can be found at the faculty web pages, both for enrolled and future students.

Go to the Faculty webpage

Director of studies for PhD students

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
018-471 4908

Department of Ecology and Genetics
018-471 2720

Department of Organismal Biology
+46 76 3063341


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