Tram Pham

Tram Pham began her doctoral studies in 2021. Her research is at the intersection of labor economics, health economics, and certain aspects of immigration.

What inspired you to pursue a doctoral degree in economics?

I have always been curious about the world and human behavior. I also enjoy working with numbers. During my second year at university, I took courses in microeconomics and game theory. There, I realized that I could combine my interest in numbers with understanding the world and people. Since then, I have felt enamored with economics! My interest was further strengthened after my brief time as a research assistant at Yale University in 2020. Working with researchers who constantly pondered real challenges motivated me to apply for doctoral studies.

Can you tell us about your ongoing research?

My research interests lie at the intersection of labor economics, health economics, and certain aspects of immigration. Specifically, I would like to understand what happens in a workplace that causes employees to become ill, and how this affects different demographic groups (men vs. women or natives vs. immigrants) differently.

Currently, I am working on two projects. The first one examines the underlying causes of health disparities between immigrants and natives during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the second project, I am investigating how privatization reforms affect employees' labor market outcomes.

How do you envision applying your economic expertise in the real world and in your future career?

I would love to continue working at a university so that I can share the beauty of economics with many more people! Additionally, I want to use my knowledge to solve real challenges through research. I am particularly interested in two questions: (mental) health and differences in labor market outcomes between groups.

What advice would you give to those considering applying to the PhD program in economics at Uppsala University?

The doctoral program is truly enjoyable! You will have the opportunity to delve into research, explore your interests, and also get to know yourself. Of course, there will be times when you feel it's tough, but being consistent and forming good habits go a long way. Keep being curious about the world. Personally, reflection has been a valuable strategy for me: regularly pondering what I've learned keeps me motivated and makes it easier to see the way forward.

What opportunities for collaboration and networking have you found within the department?

The department has a friendly and supportive atmosphere where everyone wants you to succeed. I have learned a lot from researchers at the Uppsala Immigration Lab and through the various research groups. Even lunch discussions with my colleagues have been invaluable. Right now, I'm also looking forward to the opportunity to have an exchange at Harvard next year.


