Applied Spatial Analysis

The Applied Spatial Analysis group specializes in cutting-edge spatial research within human and physical geography, mainly using quantitative methods and geographic information science

We focus on understanding, explaining and modelling dynamic spatial processes, such as urbanisation and land-use changes, mobility, migration, spatial inequalities, segregation, gentrification, and, neighbourhood effects. We centre place and space, temporality and scale in exploring these spatial processes. The group has access to geocoded longitudinal register data 1990-2017, among others (see Register-data research and GIS/Spatial Analysis)

Our current research interests encompass:

  • Housing, tenure mix, social mix, segregation, and inequality
  • Population studies, migration, spatial mobility and multilevel modelling
  • Development geography, livelihood studies and economic geography of slums
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Spatiotemporal analysis and time-geographic analytic approach
  • Spatial analysis, large landforms and mapping
  • Wellbeing, health, and regional development
  • Agricultural land-use change and remote sensing
  • Quantitative approach to education, transport and economic geography
  • Spatial econometrics in urban and regional science
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Urban planning, regional planning, policy and analysis of built environment
  • Critical cartography and critical GIS
  • Bid data analytics, data generation and mining
  • Register data research

