Intellectual Property Law and Market Law

The research in international intellectual property and market law deals with the competitive situation in different markets and in particular with the development of EU law and how it interacts with Swedish law.

Intellectual property laws give the owner a possibility to exclude others from certain valuable parts of products or services such as technical features, specific product characteristics, forms, or personal and artistic expressions. Market law, with its main components competition law and marketing law, aims to foster healthy competition by regulating limitations on competition and forms of advertisement. The overall goal for the research is to increase understanding of the studied fields of law, and to influence the fields in a positive way. In the long term the research can have an effect on social, technical and financial developments and facilitate cultural renewal.

The researchers actively participate in collaborations with Nordic and European researchers in the field. The group also interacts with the wider society, businesses, government authorities, and non-profit organisations. Through articles and books the researchers contribute to the understanding and development of intellectual property law and market law in Sweden and internationally.

The researchers actively participate in collaborations with Scandinavian and European researchers in the field. The group also interacts with the wider society, businesses, government authorities, and non-profit organisations. Through articles and books the researchers contribute to understanding and development of intellectual property law and market law in Sweden and internationally.

Current research

In recent years, the research has focused on different modes of commercialization of intellectual property rights by way of contracts, e.g. licenses. Specific projects include studies of the conditions in Swedish patent litigation, competition law pertaining to mergers in the pharmaceutical sector, consumers’ use of copyright-protected material such as music and film and the principles regarding calculation of damages in case of intellectual property infringements. A recent study relates to on-line pharmacies and competition law.


Bengt Domeij


Vladimir Bastidas, Senior Lecturer
Silvia A. Carretta, Doctoral Student
Marianne Dahlén, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer
Bengt Domeij, Professor
David Fåhraeus, Doctoral Student

