Physical activity and nutrition for patients undergoing stem cell transplantation

The project conducts intervention studies aiming to optimize care of patients undergoing stem cell transplantation, with regards to physical activity and nutrition

  • Funder: Internal funding,Blodcancerfonden
Bild på akademiska sjukhuset


The present project conducts research to develop methods for optimizing care provided to patients undergoing stem cell transplantation, focusing on physical activity and nutriiton. The aim of the project is to reduce complications from treatment, increase quality of life and reduce time spent in the hospital.

The project was initiated in 2015 by Sölvi Vejby.

Projektledare: Sölvi Vejby
Medarbetare: Lena Wettergren, Anna Henriksson, Birgitta Johansson, Anna Robelius

More about the project

Patients being hospitalized at a haemaotologic clinic to undergo stem cell transplantation will, during a great part of the time, be isolated in their rooms. Time in hospital is (påfrestande) and many have to deal with infections, fatigue and pain. Many patients also become physically inactive and malnurished. To maintain a level of activity and adequat nutirion, special (instaser) is needed.

As such, this project investigates evidence based care for physical activity and nutrition for patients undergoing stem cell transplantation and aims to reduce complications and improve quality of life.

Two feasibility studies are being performed within the project. The first study focused on physical activity, and the second on both physical activity and nutrition.


