Dementia in intellectual disability

Identification of motor and cognitive changes

  • Period: 2024-04-01 – 2027-03-31
  • Funder: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare


It is important to pay attention to signs of dementia in order to initiate dementia assessments early. This is to be able to adapt care and support, plan for the future, and to rule out other treatable conditions (such as, depression or visual/hearing impairment). Signs of dementia development in the general population are often related to memory and orientation difficulties, symptoms which can be difficult to detect in people with intellectual disabilities because of the present cognitive disability. Previous research shows that not only cognitive changes, but also changes in motor function can be signs of dementia development. However, such research has seldom included people with intellectual disabilities.

The purpose of this research project is to summarise existing knowledge and develop new knowledge about motor and cognitive changes in people with intellectual disabilities developing dementia. Spreading this knowledge can lead to the individual getting greater access to dementia assessments and thereby to relevant care and support.

The research is conducted in collaboration with users, their relatives, and researchers from Uppsala University

Project leader: Hanna Bozkurt Åhman

