Labor market inclusion in theory and practice

The Labor Market Effects of Gender Dysphoria: Evidence from Sweden.

  • Period: 2019-07-01 – 2025-12-31
  • Funder: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare


Previous research identifies transgender persons as one of the most vulnerable groups in society. At the same time, the transgender population is increasing rapidly. In Sweden, for example, only 700 persons had received a gender dysphoria diagnosis in 2004, compared to around 6,000 persons in 2018. Despite this, there is little quantitative research and no population study on the health and socioeconomic living conditions of transgender individuals. The project aims to increase the understanding of the health, labor market, and educational effects of going through a transition process in Sweden while studying the interlinkage of two theoretical modalities of oppression: one based on gender and another based on being trans. To this end, we compare socioeconomic outcomes of transgender persons with cis-persons using data on the whole population of Sweden over the period 1973-2020. In a first study, we explore the short-run labor market and educational effects of different parts of the transition process. In a second study, we examine the long-run effects of a gender transition.

Project leader: Emma von Essen, Ansvarig för huvudprojektet ’En jämställd arbetsmarknad i teori och praktik’: prof. Johanna Rickne (Institutet för Social Forskning, Stockholms universiet).
Co-investigators: Prof. Ian Burn, University of Liverpool, Fil. dr. Ylva Moberg, Institutet för Social Forskning, Stockholms universitet, Fil. dr. Lucas Tilley, Institutet för Social Forskning, Stockholms universiet

