New Doctors

Vanja Mosbach

The doctoral project, Voices of Muslim Feminists: Navigating Tradition, Authority and the Debate about Islam uses interviews with Muslim feminists in Scandinavia to explore what it means to be a Muslim feminist and how the relationship between Islam and feminism is conceptualised. The project was completed in March 2022.

Linnea Jensdotter

The thesis Religion och politik i hybrida mediemiljöer: En analys av kommentarer till nyheter om Miljöpartiet, Kristdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna på Facebook studied Facebook comments on news articles about three political parties on three different topics. The study was completed in April 2021 and analyses the polarisation of religion, and how media contributes to structuring the shape and content of the debate.

Karin Rubensson

The thesis Karnevalesk gudstjänst. Barns plats i kyrkans liturgi contributes to theory development within practical theology. It has a particular focus on children and worship. The study combines interview materials with theoretical perspectives from liturgical theology, critical childhood studies and practical theology inspired by ethnography. The thesis was completed in April 2021.

Anna Wrammert

The thesis Med(ie)vetenhet, motstånd och engagemang: Gymnasieungdomars tal om och erfarenheter av religion was completed in September 2021. It aimed to use the notion of agency and religious literacy to deepen the understanding of upper-secondary pupils’ experiences of religion in the media and other social contexts, and discuss the didactic implications.

Gabriel Bar-Sawme

The thesis, Entering the Holy Place in Syriac Orthodox Liturgy – A Ritual and Theological Analysis was completed in September 2021. It focused on how the rite of entrance has been practiced in Syriac Orthodox liturgy in historical contexts, and how the altar is construed as a holy room, and the worshipping congregation as a church.

