Moa Lidén

Dr. Moa Lidén is the principal investigator of EB-CRIME. She has a dual degree in law and psychology. Since 2013 she has conducted research into human errors in criminal cases. Her PhD thesis was on the topic “Confirmation Bias in Criminal Cases” in which she conducted experimental studies with Swedish police officers, prosecutors and judges as well as archival studies examining petitions for new criminal trials. Her post doc project is on the topic “Reliability and Biasability of Criminal Evidence”. In this project she collaborates with, for example, professor Marie Allen and professor Ingemar Thiblin. The project examines sources of error – both methodological and human – in a range of different types of evidence including, for example, witness evidence, DNA and forensic medical opinions. This entails evidence in both national jurisdictions such as the Swedish and international jurisdictions like that of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Doctor Lidén has expert assignments within, for example, the Human Factors Task group, Committees for Forensic Science, US Department of Commerce and she is a member of the editorial board of the journal “Forensic Science International: Mind and Law”. Also, doctor Lidén has experience in training practitioners at the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the Swedish Bar Association, The Court of Appeal of Western Sweden, the Swedish Police Authority, and so on.

Porträtt Moa Lidén

Doctor Moa Lidén, Law & Psychology, Law Faculty, Uppsala University & Department of Security and Crime Science, University College, London

Urval av publikationer

Lidén, M. (2023). Confirmation Bias in Criminal Cases. Oxford University Press. In press. Preliminary publication date: May 2023.

Lidén, M. (2023). The Time Variable in Relation to Insider Witnesses: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of ICC Cases. In Bergsmo & Cheah (Eds.). Old Evidence and Core International Crimes (pp. 1-43). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher. In press. Preliminary publication date: April 2023

Lidén, M. & Almazrooei, M. (2022). Blood, Bucks and Bias: Reliability and Biasability of Crime Scene Investigators’ Selection and Prioritization of Blood Traces. Science & Justice, 63, 2, pp. 276-293.

Lidén, M. (2022). “That’s Him!”: Evaluating a Guilt Hypothesis in the Context of a Suspect Line-up. In Bystranowski, Janik & Prochnicki (Eds.). Judicial Decision-Making: Integrating Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives (pp. 49-78). Springer

Lidén, M. (2020). Child Soldier or Soldier? Estimating Age in Cases of Core International Crimes: Challenges and Opportunities. In Agirre, Bergsmo, de Smet & Stahn (Eds.). Quality Control in Criminal Investigations (pp. 323-460). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher.

