Work environment

The Research Training Committee (KUF) has, in consultation with the medical and pharmaceutical doctoral student councils, drawn up an action programme for doctoral students with psychosocial or physically related work problems.

The action programme should be seen as a support, primarily for doctoral students and supervisors, and the hope is that serious work problems can be avoided as far as possible.

The supervisor has a responsibility, but it can be difficult for many doctoral students to talk to their supervisor about problems that are not directly relaated to the research project. Every doctoral student has a network of people to whom they can turn to discuss different types of concerns and problems.

Below is a list of some contact persons:

  • The head of doctoral studies or director of doctoral studies at your department
  • The director of doctoral studies
    • at the Faculty of Pharmacy: Professor Ulf Göransson
    • at the Faculty of Medicine, clinical specialisation: Professor Peter Stålberg
    • at the Faculty of Medicine, preclinical specialisation: Per Jemth
    • for doctoral courses: Sebastian Barg
  • The head of your department
  • The members of the KUF
  • The chair of the Medical Doctoral Student Council or the chair of the Pharmaceutical Doctoral Student Council
  • The Student Health Service (if you do not have employment as a doctoral student)
  • Uppsala University’s occupational health service (if you are employed as a doctoral student)
  • The doctoral student ombudsman (currently the same as the student ombudsman at Uppsala Student Union)
  • Your occupational health service (if you have another principal than the University)

In general, you and your supervisor should turn to people on the list whom you trust and who are familiar with the conditions of doctoral studies at your department so that the problems can be solved quickly and constructively.

For problems related to the physical work environment, that is, premises and technical solutions etc., you should primarily contact your supervisor, head of department, campus administration or the coordinators for students with disabilities at Uppsala University.

At the annual follow-up, you and your supervisor should review the progress of the studies and the thesis work, but also address work environment-related issues.

