Book a meeting

It is never too early to contact us at UU Innovation. If you are the least bit curious about making an impact through innovation, get in touch with us and we will book a meeting.

How can we assist you?

Do you have an idea or research result that you believe could have a societal impact, and you'd like to discuss potential applications? Are you seeking guidance to explore how your research can make a meaningful difference? Or perhaps you're interested in discussing the possibility of applying for a patent?

Our meeting is centered around your research and your questions and concerns. We are here to help you take the next step—regardless of your starting point.

Feel free to book your meeting with us. We look forward to welcoming you.

Två kvinnor sitter i en trappa

Book a meeting with UU Innovation

Send us a brief note and let us know what you would like to discuss. We will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also reach out to us via email at

A confirmation of the submitted form will be sent to this email address. Your responses will be included in the confirmation email.
Your affiliation with Uppsala University, Dalarna University, or the University of Gävle. * (mandatory)
Your affiliation with Uppsala University, Dalarna University, or the University of Gävle.

