Berit Wallenberg Foundation (BWS) project grant

Berit Wallenberg Foundation mainly supports research projects within archaeology or art history, preferably until the end of 1800 a.d. Projects concering Swedish or Nordic material will be prioritized.

Open call

There is currently no open call. Updated information about the University's process for handling applications will be made available when the Foundation informs about the next call.

Application instructions 2024

For this call, it is the Head of Department who handles Uppsala University's internal prioritization, and signs the mandatory letter of support. The Research Advisors at Humsam's Research Support Unit can help you with formulating the letter.

When constructing a budget for BWS projects, Wallenberg's own budget template (only in Swedish) must be used. The researcher should contact his departmental economist early on to discuss the items in the budget and to complete a draft budget. The draft is sent to the Financial Administration and Procurement Division (FAPD) that will review the budget and fill in the specific indirect cost percentages. Note that it is very common that adjustments to the budget need to be made after the FAPD's review. It is therefore important to respect the deadlines that have been set.

In the "Links"-box above there is a template for the letter of support, and also documentation that can help you to describe the goals and strategies for the disciplinary domain and for the University in the letter of support.

If you have questions, contact Oddný Notstrand at Humsam's Research Support Unit.


  • May 2024 (an exact date TBA): A budget draft will be sent to for review.
  • May 18th 2024: Contact research advisor for help with support letter.
  • June 1st 2024: Application deadline to the Foundation.

